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Show FOR BEAUTY SEEKERS When Springtime Comes Take Waiks En the Warm Rains and Have a Clear Complexion. BY LUCILLE DAUDET. rjTjl PHING showers will bring for bj something inoro than "May &S1 flowers," if you choose to lake advantage of them. They will give you tho healthy, glowing plnk-and-whltc complexion which is oue of the charms of our English sisters. It is a well known fact that a di.mp, misty climate will Insure a more perfect per-fect complexion thnn any other The moisture is a natural tonic for tho skin and will keep it flexible and transparent Just as soon as the warm spring showers come, walk in the rain. A ten minutes' brisk walk In a steady downpour makes the blood circulato vlgorouslv and tints the cheeks and lips as red as the proverbial rose. Of course, one must not be susceptible suscep-tible to cold an oversensitive constitution consti-tution dare not risk such exposure. However, if properiy cioiuuu. iu -little danger of catching cold. When taking a tramp through the ram wear warm clothing and your raincoat Your skirt should bo sufficiently suf-ficiently short to keep from dragging the wetness about your ankles, for nothing will give you a cold more , Thedeal walking costume consists of a short, warm skirt, a flannel biouso IS a abort jacket or raincoat. ' awea a hat which the dampness ' In Injure one of soft felt is a ' se cho ee it should be trimmed Vm a simple band of soft silk 01 a ; JuiiL This obviates tho necessity of carrying an umbrella. The feet should be well protected by high waterproof boots. Those which extended half way to the knees, havo thick soles and lace tightly about tho ankles are the most practical. Instead of wearing petticoats wear a pair of silk bloomers with this costume. cos-tume. If you are clad In this way it will bo impossible for the dampness to pene-trato pene-trato to the skin. You may be exposed to a drenching shower, and though your coat be wet the flannel blouse will protect your shoulders. When walking in the rain keep constantly con-stantly moving and regulate the length of time you remain out to the vigor of your constitution. One unaccustomed to walking will become tired in fifteen minutes, while another may safely walk three-quarters of an hour or even a whole hour and thoroughly enjoy en-joy it wuen you are over tired you are in danger of contracting cold, while a constant motion of the muscles will prevent you from feeling tho slightest bit chilled. Allow the rain to beat upon your face. It is tho most refreshing sen-sntion sen-sntion imaginable. Each rain drop beating upon tho skin stimulates tho action of tho particular portion on which it falls. There is nothing better for the complexion com-plexion than rain water, and if you are desirous of improving the texture of your skin you should never use anything any-thing else when bathing your face. Catch a quantity of freBh water every time it rains and notice how quickly it will reward you for tho small amount of trouble." When you return to the house, after enjoying a walk in the shower, immediately imme-diately remove your damp clothing, then tnke a bath in warm water, followed fol-lowed by an alcohol rub. Rest for a few moments If you feel the slightest bit fatigued, and you arc ready for the busiest day life may demand of you. MT has come to be almost a breath of sartorical etiquette to carry a leather bag with afternoon frocks. Its successor succes-sor Is a fascinating little reticule of flowered silk or beads, such as our ancestors an-cestors of the feminine persuasion affected. af-fected. Pretty reticules of colored suede to match the gown also are carried. car-ried. Drawn upon their strings or ribbons, these have a more ornate appearance ap-pearance than the leather handbag of ordinary oblong shape. |