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Show oo BOYS CAUGHT IN THE BLOCKADE The basketball team of the Utah '. State School for the Deaf and Blind returned this morning from the most interesting trip of Its career, accord-'. accord-'. ing to Wallace Ruby, the former Ogden Og-den high school basketball star, who Is coaching the "mutes" this year. The trip was to Wellsvllle, Utah, where, lest Wednesday night the team de-; de-; fcated tho Wellsvllle "all stars." The score was 31 to 25 and the lineup follows: fol-lows: STATE SCHOOL. WELLSVILLE. Lewis If .. ..E. Maughn Wilde rf R Maughn Jones c R. Jones J Cutler ...rg Reed Olsen lg I. Jones The boys are jubilant over their victory, being the sixth out of nine games played, as the Wellsvllle team Is composed of both high school and former college players. The game was played beforo one of the largest crowds that over witnessed a basketball basket-ball contest In Cache valley. On the return trip, the Intenirban electric, on which the State school boys departed from Wellsvllle, was caught in the snowdrifts about 10 I miles north of Dewey, and was snowbound snow-bound for thirty-six hours. The snowdrifts, snow-drifts, Coach Ruby stated this morning, morn-ing, were 50 feet high and extended In front of the train for a distance of more than 150 yards. "And," he stated further, "if you don't believe i it I've got Borne pictures I'll show you sometime." The train was dug out of the snow at a late hour last night by the combined com-bined efforts of 80 shovelers and was the first one to arrive In Ogden over the northern interurban line since Thursday. While In the drifts, food was brought to tho passengers by messengers of Dewey. in addition to me coacn, tne oasKet-ball oasKet-ball team was accompanied by D. J. Thurman. |