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Show SLIDES BLOCK RAILROAD LINES Snow Plows in Colorado Bucking Buck-ing Drifts and Residents of Mining Camps Digging Themselves Out. Durango, Colo., Jan 29. With the exception of a branch line to Farming-ton, Farming-ton, N. M , all railroad lines in southwestern south-western Colorado wero blocked today by snowslldes. Numerous avalanches had also caused an almost complete suspension of mining operations and considerable property loss but there was no known loss of life. Snow stopped falling early in the da and efforts were turned toward raising the blockade. Residents in small aud Isolated mining camps began be-gan the task of digging themselves out. Camps in Precarious Condition. Men on snowshoes from the Columbus Colum-bus mino in La Plata canyon reached Valloy View camp and telephoned that James Doyle and twenty miners, marooned ma-rooned at their camp on Mount Lewis, still were alive. Their situation waa reported precarious and their cape out off by slides runniscfer ten miles along the canyon. An avalanche covered the Denver & Rio Grande track for half n mile near Bondad. The Rio Grande and Southern South-ern from Rico to Telluride was reported report-ed tied up by a big slide. Low Temperatures Reported. Denver, Colo., Jan. 29. Temperatures Tempera-tures below the seasonable average from Oklahoma to Alberta were reported re-ported by the government weather bureau today, but the deficiency was not so marked as for several days. Clear skies and slowly rising mercury mer-cury indicated a rapid Improvement in storm conditions in Colorado. In southwestern Colorado the Denver and Rio GTande resumed busking snow and headquarters here stated they expected ex-pected to clear Cumbres pass late today. to-day. At points in this district 28 feet of snow was encountered. nn |