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Show I'THEGIRLAND THE GAME" A Splendid Feature to Be Seen at the Lyceum Sunday. The special studio, equipped with all the essentials of a big railroad production, which was built at the Signal Film plant for "The Girl and the Game," is put to good purpose in Chapter Two of this thrilling series, starring fearless Helen Holmes. The Signal has the largest and most complete com-plete railroad studio in existence. A depot, practicable Inside and out, is the central feature. Extensive trackage track-age and a switch tower at one of the points where the rails Intersect, stand next in importance. Switches, semaphores, sem-aphores, and all the mchanical safeguards safe-guards of the rails have been installed. in-stalled. So expeditious Is the service that in thirty minutes from the time the script reaches the director, a complete train, consisting of Pullmans, Pull-mans, day coaches, parlor cars, diner, baggage car and engine, can be had in readiness before the camera. Director J. p. McGowan may be counted upon to put in the "thrill-punches" "thrill-punches" which make the blood of the onlooker tingle as he watches the marvelous episode of "The Girl and the Game." No plcturlzed novel hitherto hith-erto produced can compare with this surprising series which, from the first chapter to the last is filled with tense situations running the gamut of the strongest human emotions Love and danger are the two great motives which drive the bounding pulse of "The Gin and the Game." Helen Holmes' wonderful temperament and utter fearlessness do the rest. In Chapter Two, "The Winning Jump," released January 3, General Holmes, President of the "C. W. R R,." learns of a plot afoot to rob the company of the survey chart for his proposed new line. He reports this information to Rhlnelander and Sea-grue, Sea-grue, his associates, who happen to be at the General's home meet with the directors of 'the "C. "W. R. R." The directors are expected to reach Signal by a special train The railroad president, with Helen, nis beautiful daughter, and his two colleagues, go to the station to meet the members of the Board Paul Storm is working round a big freight engine en-gine which stands on a siding As the magnate's- daughter approaches, the young engineer, throwing discretion discre-tion to the winds, step across the rails and with outstretched hand greets Helen. She shakes his hand, and the recent scene of Storm's leap from the runaway freight and Helen gently lifting him. flashes before the memory of both, Then, drawing back, the girl rebukes hira-for his Imperti: nence. The next Instant she has rejoined re-joined her father and his friends At the General's house, comfortably settled In his luxurious library, the directors get down to business A controversy arises over the distribution distribu-tion of stock holdings Seagrue refuses re-fuses to accept the proposition advanced ad-vanced by Holmes and Rhlnelander Each side threatens the other, and the meeting breaks up in disorder. Late that night, Seagrue admits to the house two confederates hired for i the purpose of blowing up the General's Gen-eral's safe and stealing the plans for the survey. Helen awakens. Very quickly she realizes what is going on. Hastily rising and throwing on a dressing-gown, she dashes to her bedroom bed-room window. In the flare of a torch she recognizes Storm working over his engine at the depot Not daring to attempt to reach the telephone, tele-phone, she fastens a serving bell to the wire which connects the president's presi-dent's house with the railroad station and starts the bell along on its message mes-sage for help. Storm hears the bell. Against a window of the General's house he sees silhouetted the struggling form of a girl nnd two mon cjniir it,a t ft-. the crooks, tie up Helen. Thev then go back downstairs, and encountering Holmes, attack him and escape with the papers. The crooks run down the tracks, and at the risk of their necks, board a passing train. Helen takes command com-mand of the situation At the head of a group of her father's friends, she hastily follows to the station, and commandeers Storm's engine The race starts. The crooks, hiding on tho roof of one of the passenger coaches, see that they are pursued. Clambering over the tops of the cars, they reach the engine. The engineer and fireman are hauled up on to tho roof and Lefty and Spike take command. com-mand. The lone freight engine is gaining on them. Spike goes back o cut off the coaches and block the track m front of the oncoming monster mon-ster As the cut-off is effected, the hissing air escapes bringing the coaches t0 a sudden standstill. Be hind them, Storm pulls in his panting iron horse. The crooks, however, have reckoned without Storm's superior knowledge of the tracks. A siding, conveniently convenient-ly at hand, Is quickly utilized "by tho young engineer. Backing onto It ho speeds up his engine and soon is abreast of the flying crooks. Lefty and Spike open fire. Their bullets go amiss. Helen climbs over the tank of Storm's locomotive and as the two engines race side by side, the dauntless girl Jumps across onto the tank of the other one. Lefty grapples with her, but Storm, aiming a wrench at his head, knocks him out. Spike sees that tho game is up. He leaps into tho river. On swimming ashore, he perceives that his escape is cut off. He craftily buries the stolen papers at the foot of the trail, Disappointed Disap-pointed In their hopes of recovering the survey plans, the railroad directors direc-tors and the girl return to General Holmes' house. Scarcely had she crossed the threshold when Helen learns that she Is fatherless. |