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Show GRMO LODGE OF TIE MASONS OE UTAH j 111 SESSION The grand lodge of Utah, F. and A. M., met at 10 a. m.. todav in the Masonic temple on Washington avenue. ave-nue. The grand lodge officers present pres-ent were Grand Master J. W. Cherry. 1 Worshipful Grand Ma&ter W J j Sheely. Senior Grand Warden S. C. Griggs. Junior Grand Warden C. F. Jennings, Secretary F. A. McCartv. Senior Grand Deacon L. L. Baker, I Junior Grand Deacon Fred M. Nye j and Grand Tyler Daniel Dunn. The attendance at the session this morning was approximately eitjht members, but it waa expected that this number would be increased to 200 by tonight. The meetings w 111 j continue until tomorrow night, with official sessions this afternoon and evening and tomorrow morning, afternoon after-noon ad evening. This morning the program consist cd of the formal opening of the con-1 vention by Grand Master Cherry and the appointment of the official committee com-mittee Following the meeting, the visiting Masons were the guests of Unity lodge of Ogden at a luncheon in the Weber rlub dining room. The program outlined for the meeting meet-ing this afternoon included the reports re-ports of some of the committees and the consideration of resolutions. This evening Unity lodge Xo. 18 of Ogden will exemplify the "Fellow Craft" degree. At the conclusion of the meeting scheduled for tomorrow morning, a banquet will be held at the Masonic temple. This will occupy the time from noon until 2 p. m., and it is expected ex-pected that a number of prominent lodge officials will give brief addresses. ad-dresses. The election of the grand lodge officers will be held tomorrow afternoon and installation will take place at the closing meeting tomorrow night. on |