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Show JOHNSON TO DODGE I j CARRANZA MEN I Salt Lake Jan. 19. If someone had ! told Battling Johnson he bail a ncbt hand and that it was customary to i use s3id member now and then during i a boxing bout Sally Salvador, king of the four-rounders of the coast, might have been a sad young man 1 last night. But. as it was no one told j Johnson and consequently he used his i right hand for decorative purposes I only Result, Johnson-Sah ador bout I ended In a draw, i I At that Salvador didn't get any the I best of the decision. He carried the I fighting to Johnnon all through and had the first and second round by n : j fair margin The third was practic- ally even, while Johnson by using nothing but a straight left, took the fourth by a shade. I Salvador showed the fans some nice two-handed fighting but failed to de Ivelop a punch that had any sting in' it He connected with Johnsou re-' peatedlj Bel the local lad left the ring without the slightest mark. On I the other hand Johnson's straight left had Sallys nose bleeding, slightly; in the third round and by the tune the bout was finished the member was as red as a beet It was a great little bout and highly high-ly pleasing to the big crowd which was on band. Give Johnson half the experience the foxy Salvador ha6 hud and he will make the four-round king as scarce as a square meal hi Belgium |