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Show YOUNG 61 DRINKS CARBOLIC ACID AND DIES Josephine Peterson, the 19-year-old daughter of Mrs. Sofia Peterson of I InntsvillO; committed suicide about 12 ir j est erday morning. The tragedy trag-edy occurred in the Palace cafe, a Chinese restaurant at 180 Twenty-fifth Twenty-fifth street, the girl's death being enused through the drinking of carbolic car-bolic acid According to the police, she was accompanied to the cafe by Margaret Groggan, an Ogden girl, and a man said to be Dr. Ezra Clark, a former Ogden dentist The two girls and Clark, It Is nald had passed the evening eve-ning in company with Jack Purdue, n runner for the Marion hotel, but Purdue Pur-due left them before they went to the cafe. The Groggan girl hysterically told of the circumstances immediately surrounding sur-rounding the suicide, saying that they were sitting at a table, when Josephine Jose-phine got up and went into a rear room, returning a moment later and throwing an empty bottle on the table, ta-ble, saying "There ' Miss Groggan Grog-gan picked up the bottle and was horrified hor-rified to find that it had contained j raruonc ac:u ami in a moment aoi companion was writhing in the throes of death Dr. G W Green and the police were hurriedly summoned by I N. Pulton, proprietor of a nearby pharmacy, phar-macy, who was one of the first to learn of the tragedy, and the girl, by this time unconscious, was rushed to the emergency hospital at the jail. Every possible aid was given her but she passed away at 1:16 o'clock The dead girl has a sister, Mrs Charles Carter of L'S9 Reed avenue, and another sister lilng with her widowed mother at HuntSVllle, She had been employed as a domestic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Poul-sen Poul-sen of ''.$2 Twenty third street The cause for her rash act ihe police be- lieve. was a love affair with Jack ! Purdue The body was removed to the I.arkin mortuary and the funeral will be held at Huntsville, Wednesday Interment In-terment will be made in the Huntsville Hunts-ville cemetery The body may ne viewed at the Larkin chapel from today to-day until Wednesday morning. |