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Show NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' STOCKHOLD-ERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given, in pursuance pursu-ance of the Articles of Incorporation and by order of the Board of Directors Direc-tors of the Ogden, Logan & Idaho Railway eompatn. that the annual meeting of the stockholders of said Company has been called, and will be held on the first day of February, 1915, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the principal place of business of said Company, Room 330 David Eccles Ec-cles Building, In the City of Ogden, Weber County. Utah. That the object ob-ject of said meeting is to elect a Board of Fifteen directors for the ensuing en-suing year and to consider and act upon the proposition that said Company Com-pany create a bonded indebtedness of Ten Million Dollars, in gold coin of the L'nlted States, (a portion of which is to be used in retiring existing bond ed indebtedness), and for the further purpose of raising money to complete com-plete the construction and equipment of the railroads of this corporation, both street and inlerurban, wherever located, and to purchase and pay for any other property within the purposes pur-poses of said Company, and to secure the bonded indebtedness, so prepared to be created, by mortgage or trust deed upon the railroad and railroad lines, both street and interurban, and other property of said Company now owned or hereafter to be acquired by said Company, and such other business busi-ness as may come before the meeting In pursuance of the Articles of In- corporation, and by Order of tho iK Board of Directors of the Ogden, Lo- ,HK gan & Idaho Railwav Company. Bp? ROYAL ECCLES, Secretary. |