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Show ELECTION IS BEING I HELD AT CLUB I ROOMS TODAY I Today is election day at the Weber MaR club and before the polls were open Hj many members were in the club BS3 rooms waiting to cast their votea. HH This election is the first one to bo HfM held under the new by-laws and the HH ballot boxes were to be open between hHB the hours of 11 a m. and 7 p. m. aHH The judges appointed were J. S. Rod H man Fred Herrington, J. W. Forris- 'M tall, Theodore Schanseubach and J. V Yolker. HflH 1) C. Kccles withdrew from tne H race tor the presidency of the club, B Saturdav, giving as his reason the IHi fact that his business duties frequent- MH lv took him away from the city and he could not. therefore, devote MS necessary attention to tho club, should MH the orflce be conferred on him. Th-a leaves the race between W. J Parker g md w. il. Wattls. :HI Other withdrawals were those or W Spargo from nomination for the IH vice-presidency and Willard Scow-- eroft as director. B t the meeting tonight, the result? of the election will bo announced and H important business matters will bo iH transacted Following the business meeting, a luncheon will be served BH ,ind social rocreation indulged B. 'H |