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Show DIVORCE PROlEDIlS HI DISTRICT COURT In the district court Kmnia Hansel has commenced divorce proceedings against Edward Hansel on the grounds of desertion which is alleged to have occurred September 15. 1911, only a few months after the marriage The marriage is alleged to have occurred oc-curred May 29, 1911. The plaintiii ask.s for her maiden name, Emma Manful, 2r a month alimony, costs of I suit and attorney fees. Elizabeth L. Holibaugh has petitioned peti-tioned the district court to modify the decree of divorce heretofore granted her against Orlando Holibaugh. Holi-baugh. so as to increase the amount of alimony, She claims that the cost of living has increased to the ex tent that she cannot live on less than fsL m m rir, t li In the divorce case of Mallir Coro-las Coro-las against Angel Corolas. the defendant defend-ant has flh'd an answer in which he contends that the trouble between himself and the plaintiff has been brought on through r.he plaiutlff. "habit of going to dances and sum mer resorts" with other men He claims that he has tried to get her to desist but that she will not heed him. He asks that the case be dismissed. dis-missed. He also says that his earnings earn-ings are insufficient to warrant the payment of the amount of alimony asked for by the plaintiff. Ruth Hutchison against William Hutchison, the defendant has been cited to appear in court and show cause why he should not be required to pay alimony. 00 The fact that the drama "Today," which is to be presented at the Or-pheurn Or-pheurn theatre Wednesday evening, has proven one of the most interesting interest-ing plays sent out from the east In recent years is evidenced in the following fol-lowing telegram received Saturday by Manager Joseph Goss "The sensational drama "Today' was presented at the Brandeis fhea-tre fhea-tre last night before the largest audi ence of the season and our theatregoers theatre-goers were unanimous in declaring it the most thrilling play they had been in years, with the finest aettng cast that has ever visited Omaha You can go the limit in youi praise of this attraction, for it will be many a day before another such comes your way." Clinton Roy. Manager Brandeis Bran-deis theatre, Omaha, Neb. (Advertisement) |