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Show I NOTICE On and after January 1st, 1915, we will have OUR OWN FLOWER STORE. One of the most capable assistants in the state in charge, j TVfcBRIDE IV A Drug Co. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" 2463 Wash. Ave, "House of Quality." BURGLARS ARE ACTIVE fMm and fire may break out any time. Are your g&jjl valuables safe? They are secure if in our KB j Fire and Burglar Proof Vault. Hn j Safe Deposit Boxes for rent HH J j j $2.00 and up per year. j STOMACH UPSET? Get At the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or irying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing per-forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles If you have a bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled nith undigested food, you should take Olive Tablets, the substitute sub-stitute for calomel Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping cramps or pain Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so you can eat what you like At 10 and 2oc per box. All druggists. The Olive Tablet Company. Colum- 1 bus, O. Advertisement. 1 236 25th Si. 236 25th St. j H Big crowds every day at this mammoth sale A week ago I invited the people of Ogden to visit my sale (the first I H have held in 2 years of honorable merchandise here). Not one person has visited this sale without making a pur-H pur-H chase. Not one person has left without a bundle and a smile; not one person but what has said: "You told the truth! H These are the bigest bargains; the truest values I ever saw." YOU come, too, tomorrow; come just to look. Come m doubtfully if you choose, and I'll guarantee to show you the most extraordinary price-wrecking on quality merchan-9 merchan-9 jjjjncere'y ours N. O. OGDEN. U ! I The lines we carry for men, OQfi VlTl L JUST TO ILLUSTRATE Eg women and children are the Am99 aVSLJLl. ! j I am offering world renowned J gl best in America. Ogden sells H , ' Cluett, Peabody & Company gg the finest shoes in the city. M l m out thc high-rent distnet-that s fegular va,ucs up to R3 This is not a "fake" sale of U why every day is bargain day at my store jSj $1.50, at the ridicul- fiQr B 3 "cheap" junk. It's an on-the- 88 Now, I've got to move a $50,000 stock and M ously 'low Price I m square clearance of worth- . Everything in the store pro- M while merchandise. M Prices that wcre extremely low in the be- portionatey low. I fBHBBSBWaiWIHEWiM ginning, are cut still further. j 7 ! 7 H A special lot of 8 SHOE BARGAINS TO MAKE YOU SMILE WITH JOY H 200 Swell Over- $2 kind, are here I Ogden's stock of Shoes for Men, Women and Children at all times I a Men s Shoes, for you is tne biggest and best in Ogden. Right now, Ogden is overstocked regular $6.50 and U B? at $1.48 I j but he won't be much longer with prices like these: I $7.00 values, at I 1 ISiWWOIfiifMMB Ladies1 Fine Shoes, Ladies' Finest Shoes, Ladies' Finest Shoes, BhHHHSHIHI S IS rU )A - ci - raj values to values to values to HfBMBnsaMMSI H H eh,ldren s bhoes ,n $2.50, at $1.48 $3.00, at $1.98 $4.25, at $2.98 BROADWALK all leathers and We have all these shoes and 9 SHOES i i Cffl Ur- A- Keed s Cushion bhoes manv mnrp onnallv mmmv:a;Mn Button or lace, are IS sizes, regularly up K8 many more equally surprising H ' m .or M for Ladies, regular CO AO values in all sizes, leathers, ffl here' aIthou8h the M m to $2.75, on gg vaue t $60Q widths and styles, and only the relrPn,ce 15 UP 1 sale at $1.28 gg best makes. to $2.50, the ISllWIWMIWiillllfln HifHiiiiwiiiiM iw par $1.69 " 1 1 men's suits 1 JEN'SI'i'e'ar,"I j il' k mm cc j i i i 1 . . . . h$ Tms s tne Celebrated Cooper Un- Bs . I 5"Cfjn?nC1? lot' In this lot are values up to $25.00- K ion Klosed Krotch. We offer reg- E m values to $16.50, during this re- J only the best makes and in small H ular $1.50 values 7H m markable sale, any suit in CO QC sizes only, the CC1A at "C m the lot for pj..7J R2j JD,1U H ah u ii' j . sml r All other Underwear and Hosiery H JBJJflJJJgjgjgrrjjjjjj 'ow- S Listed here you see only a few of the thousands of bargains we offer. We are not cutting prices on just a few "lead- I ,uWe TPOSltLooed P?fitS n CVery artide in the big store' You'n never have another chance as I m good as this. Come TOMORROW and let us prove it. We can do it to the joy of your pocketbook M I M. Qm OQDEM c m p M N Y 236 25th st. I j 'The Family Store of Quality." Make sureof thlreet number 1 ? CASTORIA For Infants anil Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears -m4 Signage of SSgk 11 Zk fcr. But r . V L jHa&agas |