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Show oo MORE COUNTRIES TO ENTER WAR London. Tan ft, 2:30 a. m The Morning Post's Bucharest correspondent correspond-ent says: "Rumania is mobilizing 750,000 men, of which number half a million form the field army. Rumania will strike even should Italy decide not to enter the war." Milan, via London, Jan. 9 3:07 a. m The Secolo asserts that Count Leopold von Berchtold, Austrian minister min-ister of foreign affairs, has sent a note to Italy protesting against the Italian occupation of Aviona, Albania. Alba-nia. Baron Sidney Sonnlno, Italian minister of foreign affairs, has sent a firm reply, the paper adds London, Jan. 9, 2:08 a m The Dally Telegraph's Athens correspondent correspond-ent reports that the Greek government govern-ment is gravely concerned over the increasingly strained Graeco-Turkish relations The Greek diplomatic and consular representatives In Turkey, the correspondent says, are receiving receiv-ing intolerant treatment, being shadowed shad-owed by the police and spies, and that the official protests by the Greek minister are ignored. |