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Show I Woman's Page Advance Spring Styles New Kind of Coat Fastens in Straight Line Wrinkled Stock Collars of Silk and Wide Turnover Cuffs to be Worn With Dark Blue Helpful Hints to Make Pork Crisp Double Boiler Is Space Saver. I "'The .tirs inr lino, bul do not rompcl" j Horoscope Sunday. January 10, 1915. (Copyright, 101 n, by the McCMre Newspaper Syndicate.) This is not a favorable day and the who are wiso will pass it quietly. If thr follow the advieo ot ;ist rolteers. ' Uranus is in a place powerfully malefic in influence and Saturn is! adverse In (lie evening Mars is in b i riendly nspoct. It is not a lnckv timo fur lovors OF for vo'inc folk who seu new acquaintance. acquaint-ance. The evj rub' of the planet, which is supposed to have a strong effect upon the reasoning faculty, Is held as meat u n fort U note for any emo-ti emo-ti mil eppi ionce, since it causes at-1 tractions to stranse and eccentric per- sons. SVnlle ibis configuration prevails extra caution should be maintained regarding electrtd apparatus or con- i veyan'ces. TravH is stfpbosed to be I more perilous than at other times. 1 Mental disturbances re said 1o be common under this rule Quick chances of feeling aversions, quarrel, are provoked. It is not a favorabb-sway favorabb-sway for domestic happiness Old persons should be cautious today to-day .Saturn is said to be inimical to them while this government f the planets exist, and they should guard against colds, tails and accidents of every sort The ;on.l asport of Mars In the evening should he must stimulating to Stud) and research. It Is held to en courage to those who solicit and for that reason charitable projects should benefit from collections in churches. A London astrologer phrophesles that, owin-; to the evld direction t the Sun and Mais, the Kinc of England Eng-land will be menaced h personal danger dan-ger and physical Indisposition before the autumn Next month, is supposed to be especially unfavorable for him. He will gain in popularity, however, and will have the hearty support of bis people durinu'the war Another famous fam-ous army officer will die this month. India will be the center of serious disturbances, the seois dcelare, and a imilltan commander will gain fame by coping with a perilous situation. Pi i u host birthdate Ij is have ! the attgury of an active year, which : will not be verj profitable Children born on this day may be restless and dissatisfied In disposition disposi-tion but .-xeeedingK bright, lovable and industrious These subjects of Capricorn often have many vicissitudes vicissi-tudes in life, hut they generally succeed suc-ceed in overoomJng obstaoles. Monday, January 11. 1915 (Copyright;, 1 f 1 T . by the McCluie Newspaper Syndicate.) Vfingled good and evil appear In today's horoscope While ,l10 Sun, Mercury and Neptune are all in bene- I i r ipect, Saturn Mnrs and Tupfter are adverse. It j; s falrlv promising dnv for business enterprises Persons In places of authority are likely to be affable af-fable and pleasant to deal with. Ad vertlslng, publishing, teaching, scientific scien-tific research and llteran work are all under pood direction. Things of minor commercial character char-acter are supposed to no easib accomplished ac-complished while this figure lasts. Thoughts come clearly ami activity is easy The condition are fortunate for short journeys, dealings with friends !r neighbors and signing contracts or agreements, Those who sell paints, oils and chemicals are supposed to prosper under un-der the kindly sway of Neptune Banter, should he cautions today for Jupiter is In a place believed to foreshadow financial difficulties Depression De-pression in the money market Is predicted pre-dicted during a week of stress in the business world, du. to an unexpected panic cauBSd hv war news. Hospitals will receive lnree legacies this year. Thev will become schools j For women of prominence n society and all the 'eirned professions Economy Will become fashionable. It Is foretold, for a movement to eon-serve eon-serve resources will be led by women of wealth. An artistic center that will care for refugee- and deelop domestic talent is s-iid to lie indicated by the planets. Trouble In the postoffice department depart-ment is probable if the sers read aright. !lcavv expenditures will cause losses that will mal.e sweeping ' changes in organization necessary, i Astiologers persistentlv foretell of postal difficulties. The death or assassination of a man of creat prominence in the 1'niled States, some time next summer, sum-mer, is prophesied Persons whose birthdate It Is should avoid all financial risks during the year. Business affairs should prosper. Those who are employes probably win be promoted Children born on this dav should be successful in life Thev MM he generous and industrious These subjects sub-jects of Capricorn are often extremely skeptical and difficult to persuade. |