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Show STRINGER FIRM I IS SUSPENDED I Junior Member of ComnuV sion Company Commits jM Suicide. New York, Jan. 9. The suspension of Stringer & Co. members of the H New York Stock exchange, was for- mally announced today. The firm bhH consist of G. F. Stringer and his son, H G. F Stringer Jr. It was organized flE about three years ago. It Is under- iBLfl stood that the liabilities are com- HI paratlvely small. H9 The firm and Stringer Co., was H organized May 23, 1913. It consist- IES ed of G. F. Stringer. Sr., and his son !H of the same name. The younger E Stringer recently had reached the age !B of 21 and been admitted as a full part- iHnj ner He was married. 'LkS A few minutes before the opening LEo of the stock exchange today, String- liH er Jr , left his own office and entered H that of the Guanajuata Development H company. In which the firm of String- IbH er fc Co had an interest. When the bH exchange opened, the failure was an- LB nounced Not long afterwards the iiH i body of Mr Stringer was found lying jH Ion the floor under a desk in the de- bH ! velopment company's office, with a BLn revolver a few feet away. IbLb! The firm did a commission business bR of small proportions. For some yeara bB past it had been interested in Mexi- IbLb can properties, especially mining com-panies. com-panies. The unsettled political con- iH ditions in Mexico, it was Raid, embar bt rassed the firm financially and Its M suspension was attributed primarily jBifc to this. K Junior Member a Suicide. " New York, Jan o.- (; p. stringer c Jr.. junior menilcr oi the stock c change firm of Stringer & Co.. shot HH himself and died instantlyr in his of ,PSr fice shortly after the suspension of Wr the firm was announced today on the B tloor of the stock exchange. R oo BBH |