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Show GREAT PANTAGES SHOW TODAY H I "PRINCESS NANA," the daring East India Dancer, one of M I the sensational features on the new Pantages Bill " at the ' Orpheum today 10 20 30 Cents. oo Read the Classirled Ada 1 Read the Classified Ads. 1, 1 1 FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5TH. 1 1 I ANNUAL 0LDT1E SOCIAL AND DANCE I I I AUSPICES WEBER STAKE I IE I BERTMANA SOCIAL HALL I 1 Tickets $1.00. Extra lady 50c. 1 I i pn sae a i I I Orpheum Theater, Hudson Drug Store or can be pur- 1 I 1 chased of ward bishops and high councilmen. Not on H I sale at Berthana hall. I ' ' H 111 Exposition III I 1'Jt xcurs0II 1 H sre WfflM San FranclBCO Exposition closes M H W&' rlallr San Dieso ExPsIt'n closes ha,' l:MSiv NowisthcTimetoGo! K H B' ptwSsIllll h Special Round Trip Fares fe H f i Sffi Dailv up to November 30th- 'P'l H lp' Ejftjfc?K Tickets limited to December 31st. jjfe-j H j' 'fiflff $35 Los Angeles, San Diego. M- H H' ' D $L $(mk i I $4 Sa" D,C3' San Francsco. fe'-i H !S nilnBlnlTl ProPortlonate Fares via Portland and E' i ' 'i iirif cfty Ticket iice i' B '& iiyiUiaiSks U Washington Ave. ' j jgj TPwcKoyjiiwita-l Phone 2500. My oo The making of illicit whiskey, whis-key, a great love story, hate, jealousy and revenge, in "The Heart of the Blue Ridge," with Clara Kimball Young, worth going miles to see. At the Isis today. . - li I READ: REAL REDUCTIONS I ; "Special" or "Reduction" with us has a meaning, and are I not trick words, bunk or catch phrases to trap those not I posted. When we use the word "Special" or "Reduction," I it will pay to at least investigate our claim. If we make I " them good, you save money; if we don't, we lose; and, be- H mg fairly human, we don't expect to lose. Investigation is H f as free as air, so use plenty of it. Then, use your judgment I i as to whether or not we make good. H j Fresh Halibut and Salmon, the pound. .15 H I Herring, Smelts and Sole ; 15 H Utah Full Cream Cheese 20 Bulk Lard, the pound 12 1-2 Fancy Creamery Butter 35 H Pineapples, 35 and 40 H ; Sirloin Steaks, the pound 20 N ; Short Cuts Steak, the pound 25 J W INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. I PnONE 390. 2420 WASHINGTON AVE. I ITTENTION" 1 MACCABEES Silver Review, No. 1, Woman's ft Benefit Association of the Maccabees a will hold its regular meeting Fndav f Jl evening, Nov. 5, in the W. O W hall '1 ANNA HOLDEN, L. C. J Jj Advertisement, ' j I FIRST NATIONAL 1 BANK I OF OGDEN, UTAH. I J U. S. DEPOSITARY. I , I Capital 3150,000.00 -R Surplus and Undlvld- 1 , fj ed Proflt3 $200,000.00 I t Deposits $2,500,000.00 I i J M. S. Browning, President .1 Jk , John Watson, Vlce-Preildent "I 'Ifc L. R. Ecclea, Vice-President. I m R. B. Porter, Vice-President W TCj James T. Burton, Cashier. m mm Sumner P. Nelson, Aost Cah'r. j Wr WHALEBONE 1 lLji METHOD Jk li Till Nov. 10 we will make our m "Whalebone Double Suction Plate j ft for $3; does not cover roof of J ftj mouth; lightest plate known; guar- anteed to bite corn off cob. 3 ij OUR MINIMUM PRICES: I igft Crown and Bridge Work 54.00 i K Sliver Fillings 1 J W Teeth Extracted Without Pain $1.00 ljg EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS. jJgW 2469 Washington; Phone 41-J. ijKj Over Paine & Hurst. l Hours 8:30 to 6, Wednesday and I ij.1 Saturday till 9. Sunday 9 to 12. J j J l ,00! COMMUNE WITH NATURE f? ,Bj8SHMn4IIJH th W00ds op n tho stream. Sporta m fc, HpWXajSfop men who have been dealing with ui Wt fj A Vr fr year8 are qulck t0 recommend ut Wf$ linuBfni PROUDFIT SPORTING JKo, " " ' 351-353 24th Street. lib1 ESEoffisM B i |