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Show I " A Hot Dish t H for a Cold Day 4 HI jfv I Your Winter overcoat will do you little & j good if you do not develop a certain amount 0j' j of natural warmth by eating- a nutritious, .ifS j body-building food. The best fuel for the Wfii H human furnace is ( .iEv I Shredded Wheat ft H ! every particle'of these filmy shreds of baked 9 whole wheat is digested and converted into H warm blood, good muscle and sound brain. iP8 Two of thee Biscuits, served with hot tj H m make a complete, nourishing meal full fi- I H of warmth and strength. fi ' TRISCU1T is the Shredded Wheat Wafer,' eaten as a toast with butter or soft cheese, or 3j as a substitute for white flour bread or W 1 crackers. g$ sH ' ' ' I Today " Tomorrow BBB Iff I I r 1 nl a I vfl 3B H V W f (Li ft 1 Ii B MisBBBBBM BH w3 LL W J Kv wi R W L U 1 BBHKBBH bH lsHEhB3BHHHBBWltM bH llwCTOTwPlBRilftSPSIlS BBH 'wMSCAAJL"tcyfflt"jtTC4'JJ1BBy m fiHMFWfeMPi$9PiiiBro H II Ifftl SiWFFETij lfnPlj I Oracle Theater MUSIC AFTERNOON AND EVENING. BBH The Cavalier Opera Singers will not appear at the Weber Academy Saturday, Nov. 6, but will appear Friday, November No-vember 26. f Dignified 1 E Fashion 1 1 is represented by 2$ 11 Hirsh-Wickwire-Co's JRIlSL if They are reserved and yet 'J9 Jm ivMiji. '' I possess youthful lines and $lf SjjMkW ' t expression. They're the Sct f'Kv jjflvHf I "happy medium" for the Ml 'ML & mpWi t man or young man who Mi JSJ i&WSHX i B Gain Recognition ynl Am fffwfl ; I Inspection invited. Wil A" ilmll.IMai ll "SEE US FIRST" ftf&li! fiHi ' HiliMr mtl I Watson-Taeiier 1 fi I Clothing Co. 1 I S 376 24th St. 9 BaaaaaBaaBHHaHPiSBflBaBaPliSr ,lf' uu Chas. Chaplin in "The Property Man," and 'The Diamond From the Sky," with Lottie Pickford at the REX today. to-day. Open 6 p. m. oo Chas. Chaplin in 'The f Property Man," and "The Jg Diamond From the Sky," with Lottie Pickford at the REX to- J & day. Open 6 p.m. jj jj 00 I my Read the Classified Ads. tfn Read tho Classified Ads. J2& ' 1" OLJ TKe Finishing Touch" - ( canjjc added to one's attire by ." Jj making: your selection of Men's i g Furnishings at THIS store. Ev- ': A n cry article is first in quality, dura- J li bility and craftsmanship. Ton IvS have probably been accustomed to JJ: paying more for shirts, cravats, nift hosiery, etc., than we ask. When i wg you experience the satisfaction A OUB goods give, you will realize IJ! that you have been paying more ffs, and getting less. A trial is all -we m ask, we will convince you. Jr n BROWN-CARLSON- p TRESEDER . l SNOT A MOVING PICTURE. j NOT A MOVING PICTURE, y f SCemr?SJ? WRIGHTS Great Play ' J AtThn i LLIG OF DAN MATHEWS" 'if8? At the Orpheum Sunday Night. Scat Sale Today. i L |