Show THIRD DISTRICT COURT lInt 50110 Ina t tntt Iletd aatudy I The flrit eceolon of the Third Imiril I I Court in tininmlt county wairalM worn order at 10 oVIock hit gatnrdav n w-orn tux Judge Ogden II KM rending The first MI IK ore 115 honor was that oIJ 1oftawaltkl I oak tin who petllioneitlmt lilt name buhang d l to that of J L feat WI Hivd r pre I > ented the eaie for him andthe IMUIIUII wan granted Matilda Hiker Ihr0oii her attorney W I Knydcr oekal that thekgal I tie that boon I her to 1eler Biker her hut I land borv > ert d lon the gronrd I de rerlinn and fullnrn to provide Mrs Kiker leillHe < l that her Jmtlnnd left her without canti or provocation come jeari ao ilnce which he hit failed contrib anything whateter toward the ru tart ol hell or family ililimmli he wU able In do to Thin evidence Miif rorroliorattd by the plalntllft daughter the Judgn ordcre that tho be granted the relief prayed for Defendrnt was not ircw > nt nor mpretcnteil ty A Itwjer Thin rate 01 CI Chinion 1IOIIhllle City was withdrawn the roiuett ol I I the cornplalnaat Thlt It I the Mil wherein CI L I Claw ion rned Coalvllle city for an elertrli light franchlioand IfiOOdotUrt darniirct alleged al-leged to have been tuitilncd by the action ac-tion ol CoalvllMIn pulling an Injunction Injunc-tion on hit work The care hat I been on the docket 1 < for some time and the withdrawal 01111 It 1 the reiult of the com promlte mule by the complainant and the Cotlt Ille Clly council Then nl lheroniproml wore pulllilie I InTnr Tram two week ego The city ply Clawion Il2r and ho wlthdrawt the lull and payt tlietxnln leaving the polet now itanilltiK lo the city he 10 take the wlro now Mreatchcd upon them Court was then adjourned to Saturday February itilli at oclock |