Show Tilt MILKY aUA I II li tlun in a Mllr l < > noi > lease 01 tllllllUll 1 In IC10 the Mie < lltlon tn the Put Indira under Martin fling when In the tropical 1acltlc had ono night wlml was lo the membera of that expedition avery I a-very nullifying rprclaole nay Illaek I wooda Mugmlnc They beheld the sea nil about them Palo and white rreMl I tiling n vam cheese vt M Jhal One mlAhl havo Imagined the ihlp to liarr I been ulllnc In whey Initiuil ot < li water It carried Such a milky appearance I appear-ance along with It The nlr indYky at the sumo unto looked while nod hair without donut the effect ot the rrflco tloni from the iiirfaie of the water n dlipoicd end colored In February 1881 Mr Daniel Ildgeon a very aculo nbtertrr tvltiie ed the phenomenon ot this milky scan ot the Iadflc when he says the whole ocean from the thlp to the visible horizon looked exactly a It It were entered with mow The snowy surface evidently reflected the light ot the sky tor Venn being I cry bright threw n dltllnKiilihnhle line of radiance aerou II while the phosphor cueent errata of wave were now and then teen breaking abate Iho layer of hlnlng matter which cterlalj the water He convince hlmrclf that the appearance wn due lo a thin Pier ot mint produced when the tea educe happen lo bo ronildcrably cooler than tho moist ntmojphera abotr 1110 that the air In Immediate contact trllh the water II I rhlllrd below the dw point nnd becomes mlity while Ike air above remain traniparent It noulj bo In erecting to know whether She same ex planallou will apply la all display ot Iho milky sea or whether the effect ihould omcllme be Attributed l solely tu phmphoreicrnt animAl and plants and If not whether In nn cut thoM Hoiirco of light contribute to Illuminate Illumi-nate tho tea from below |