Show I The John A Salvr Seed ra of LaCrosse I La-Crosse WI have recently pU hayed I the complete catalopia trnU of the Northrup llraslin UirodWli Co of r I Minneapolis and Chicago This give u the Salier Seed Co tho largest catalogue cata-logue mall trade In the world and they ere In splendid shapo to take care of I tame u they luvo recently completed a large addition to their mammoth seod houses The U3G catalogue li Just out and the largest over Issued Sent to any adJreis for C cants to corer postage W N Haw II onelrl 111i aslery The cental patter of one of the snb > Vrban churches whose salary is l tome vhat In arrears at present stepped ilrbl Into the I hardware store of one of bin parishioner the other morning and asked to see some corkscrew very lame and strong one lie erpUlneil Why Dr what III tIt wcllo you want vvllli one anyhow said tl deuk deukMy 1 let sir said the doctor I want a corkscrew large enough to glee 111I0 Mine asslilaiice tn UravMu my sal arr arrJlie story reached the ear of hit eonnrejjatlon nod 1 the Indebtedne was cancelled forlhvMthClncInnall Irt buni ll maninmiliarlr he with Cllf r r ln 2u4 W4i suv0 u ewer lla i The lonrrt whin sin Is I a telecr h xlri ever thin lllter llltunh In lulls It li I over 1110 feet When n Inn tinting woman finally fogs In love It hurts her one this uy other timid I Rich I Red Blood I Is the Inundstlon 01 health The war to have lllcb lied Heslthy lllood IIlu lake Hoods I Sarsaparilla I Hooda Pllla cure nil liter in attiiiv Its your money and your dret that you want to save hut you > cant save cither by mini cheap Irnshy binding Pay a I few cents moro 1 and pet r f o HAS te 1 VCLVIfIIN SKIRT BINDINGS I which last ns long as the sllrt Look for S II A M on ths label and take no other < I your dealer will not supply you wa VIII coed lie iimpli shoving lilnli eel ms hale talk S ltit M Co P 0 Dot 590 tier tack cup I ASK YOUR DEALER FORD t FOR-D nr a Le DOUGLAS J D9ToIt DTHE + 33 SHOE If you r 11 to eo for shoe ei andre tin W1 Doiichl Slio and 3 I MO whit a cool tioa you cm buy fur I I OVER 100 STYLES AND WIDTHS CONI1UIH1 UUTTOV andACCsde In sta 41nd a of the iuealerted I rt Irallerhy4111adwork II a mils vr I 2 uu4 wed n more CJ hhoee Ihn 057 ether asnuralnree In II wld reel c nuine unka name and pllc Is stanll + eel on lea I hottooe Ask your duke for our 111 I se HI AII esau HOB Mion wo a I and a ITS lug hors TAU NO SUUTWTE If ioutdejltr Cannot iurpljr Lou KDil oJ UO lyi lupJr lotrrncliilnj I ilci and ttetm F4V toiuycarlUce Matt llnjili o 11 tea leap or plaint 1 ilit sml itiaih cedertrCu ln IVrt xlll till out ciJtr Send for new Hluv band Lam tonic la sins II W L DOUGLAS DrooUton Maiav AIAAERb71rDCOBIE ttA BUNTING FWGS sNeae aRGC3 i r r e 1 rub elan trLAG 0017 I uteUrt ua IN Wplta Of44TgRl llh P IwN lftott0l0lrnRpatd err rte x r 4 PARKERS HAIR BAM f Tlnrar s V Ulutilm tt U rMU tfl HBUIfeBI I lv IL w N seer fill to Union 117 ffiffl sift lllj ta ioui S J Kir iwi > lut l prof MJ WHY DONT YOU BUY CORM ppotiii Klt Mllro rrrodtt un < elu1s I fee I NMI Men Oqi Of nfe r of mryin r dctn lt r iTfhi > or f rn on morwln Inranuiv I tlon AH I boob on D tl m nay G r il w17a1 ru III k I I Money y Saved Dr nun diet I err raw wr tea kw sf err we rurnkhliti rnlnr IUII1M 1LH i II le ILraae hued Ntl u J Nr l Ull > > li ± r lri HAYUE BROS CraaSa e Neb Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works NCon IIpl Me 400011 dllrnC Ieew < lrI aaua UUualastVsaaualear C |