Show A rirlurt ut lh rattan Abdul Humid II iiiltnn of Turkey who Is l to much talked of At present Is I perhaps flftyono years nf age rather tall but somewhat stooping Many and greatly diverse stories are told of the personal life and attribute of the sultan sul-tan and after nil the outildo world knows llttlo nbout his real personally The Armenian outrages have cause him to ho more unpoular than before Ho has been In momentary dread of ns atslnatlon for thu last eighteen years and cnn no longer trust nnybod Ho lives In n perfect agony of rcmortcful terror Those who hiivo been admitted to a private niidlenco with the autocrat of the Ilosphoriis nay that tits voice Is I not iinnniulcil and he adopts a low tone I I 01 I 1 i l i i I i SULTAN AIIDUMIAMHI In convcrsatlnii Ills monocle are described de-scribed as the very cscenco of courtesy |