Show treat of Jiu Uf ln The friend of Thoin Keaini will rleve to barn ol the nnipctil d Mth l ol bit brother JaroenJ 1 Moore nt the ape of 3 1 yr Monday morning The c UMudeath iheart trouble nxr Induced by rheuuiatlin from which wlt1 i < Jy he has been MifferhiR many years Un October his decline bit > n I to Utrajr e1len s of the appmathlnit end Vfitenlny morning the knell wee hear rmwd l was born In Oifortl county OnmlnnrM wen 311 yes of ae For two years he hAt been ntint for the llopkiiiCuitlCnmnn l at Park City and the entire OlIIlIIIInlly will eytulxt in lie with MrThumai Krarni In lobe hid ieiiiriil The remains to which Mr Kearns I haiteliMl yententay aflcrnooii as eoml 14 he leant > of huts brother death will brought to Salt Lake City today Un Thurxlar alter tribute line ben wld thcdend by ih te who knew him M > well the body will be I ihlplm l I to Iheol I bom at ONglll Holt county Neb n hero they will be placid beside I those of hit patent Tribune |