Show JUSTICi PKCKIIAM nod continued In that connection until Iho death of Mr Trcmaln when the firm becnmo Peckham I Itonendalc As his father did before him the > ounger Peckhnm began the ascent ot Iho ladder ot legal fame by mean ot the district nllorneyshlp ot Albany county which ho attained 18C9 Ho mi i Lrllllant record a prosecutor 1 s took a deep Interest DUI nn tlonal politic being active In the Vilcntlnl conv entlon of 1870 and I860 when ho was leader ot Ibo Tllden force After nerving 81 corporation counsel of Albany he was In 1S83 elected a justice ot the supreme court for a term ot fourteen jcnrs His election elec-tion lo the court of appeals followed In 1SSO His eloquent denunciation of the Onondaga county election frauds won for him the opposition of lor Hill who procured l Iho disastrous nomination of Maynard for chief justice ol that court to prevent Judge Pcckhams nomination for II Judge Pcckhams term would ex plro In 1SOO U will be remembered that Wheeler II Pcekham was nominated for the su premo court by President Cleveland and vehemently und successfully opposed by Senator Hill The senator however seems to have experienced a change of heart ns ha recently said In on Interview Inter-view I hope the Presldenl will send In the nnmo of Ilufiis W Pcekham lo boo bo-o oolnlo justice of the supremo court New York ought to get the place and I think It will In my Judgment there li I nothing In this talk about Carlisle going go-Ing on the supreme court bench The President knows that Now York Slate Is I entitled lo Ili and I bellevo that he will select n Now York man Ilufus W Peckham Is I my choice |