Show Applla I hntuiril lir Chicago Feb 14UuIi llarkhart n young Frenchman Ii grateful for thor tho-r ollalho to ran In nn oi < ra lion here iierform l ill the Mercy hoi pllal lat l night the value uf the great 11Itrv Kaidemonilratnl The young Freiirhmin taunt to tuner > hal yrore axe Hurled III the tlltU1 I ul his h cud wa a hall which he had re IVMMII nituet light III Park Thu Mercy hospital operation duct night wan nl the tint lime llurklmrl hind ntbj Jel1 blm > rlf I < the mirgroni knlfr but rash tutu attemptj locate the bullet bail been uniuccciiful Hut the pholvgrupli of the hand I Inken yvntenlny by means of the KUthoih ray lncatnllh leaden halt with wonderful accuracy With the brunt os a 111110 the surgeon made tin liiclion In tho palm of the hand sad nllhln u few lulnuHV problnn extracted 1 I Dm little 11I111 from hue two n > ar < rest log pluit |