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Show 4 Independent Meat Company I J Quality HnHMHSHHMMMH SCTViCC I Pay CashwM iSave Money I ! We have installed the most economical system of handling meats known to the meat business and are now able to give I I : a scale of prices to meet the demands of the economical housewife. Our meats are United States Inspected and the I I ; I volume of our business demands the I I , , L - , Choicest of Selection, also the very n , I ; Leg Lamb, the pound 17T2C f rk ' ' Leg Mutton, the pound ;....15c I 1 I Loin and Rib Chops, the pound '. . 1 5c LOWCSt I 1TIC8S. ' Loin and .Rib Chops, the pound. . . 1 22c I r 1 Shoulder Chops, the pound' 1 22 Shoulder' Chops, the pound 10c I I I Lamb Stew 8c wjjj jjg Mutton Stew, the pound 6c 1 I I thing every day that will make trading at our market worth while. We name the following prices for the week: 9 I 1 1 , . , ' Fancy Creamery Butter , . Beef I 1 '. 1 Loin Pork Chops, the pound ... : 15c p Round Steak the pound 15c I I I Shoulder Pork Chops, the pound.. 1 2y2c Z IDS. I OF f)5C Chuck Steak, the pound ". 22c I 1 ; I Bulk Sausage 22c Pot Roasts, the pound 22c I l i IS 50 Per Cent Saved. 50 Per Cent Saved. H ANNOUNCEMENT - j I We will open dental offices at 2359 Wash- H I ington Ave. Feb. 1 , with equipment the latest and K ! methods new to the minute. Note these prices, m S then wait, just as your neighbor will do. IS I Painless Extraction of Teeth or B 1 no pay ....... 25c m I Cement 25c K vv.v.S As sl? i Crowns: SET OF j Gold, 22k., $3.50 front; $5.00 TEETH I back teeth. $5.00 ' . M Porcelain, $3.50 front; $5.00 g 8 back teeth. IS g Bridge work, $3.50 front; $5.00 W r ' M back teeth. h 5 Ask any Salt Lake banker concerning our re- jg . jyj liability. m H Cleanliness, skill and efficient service features m 1 ; p of our offices. M '. 0 All work guaranteed. B 1 , THE MODERN DENTAL CO., m 2359 Washington Ave., Ogden. 1$ M I 218 So. Main St., Salt Lake City. I 50 Per Cent Sayed 50 Per Cent Saved 8 MEAT CAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salts to flush Kidneys if Back hurts or Bladder Bothers. If you must have your meat every day, eat It, but flush your kldney3 with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells us that meat forms uric acid which almost paralyzes tho kidneys In their efforts to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish slug-gish and weaken, then you suffer with 1 a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, head-ache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather weath-er is bad you have rheumatic twinges. twin-ges. The urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief re-lief two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous. waste get four ounces oun-ces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy here; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juico, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder blad-der weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot Injure, In-jure, and makes a delightful effervescent efferves-cent lithia-water drink. A. R. Mcln-tyre. Mcln-tyre. Advertisement. oo THE PRODIGAL JUDGE Did you ever read 'The Prodigal Judge?" He used so much wind when he talked that he put his own lights out. So with our would-be competitors. com-petitors. At least five of them In the years that have passed Into history have blown out their own lights and gone Into oblivion. We may be "Old fogy" but we turn out stenograhers who can read their notes, and bookkeepers book-keepers who know the difference between be-tween a debit and a credit. Our methods meth-ods in business may not be up-to-date, but they are such that publishers nf tho hrct Tinnt-c nn mothnrlc (A iik tljat We do not need their books as our work Is as good as they could make. It. Our pupils may not like us, but after losing a few who are unusually slow we still have a crowded r house and seats in the Smithsonian are at a premium. Some people are always looking for a soft seat, but the young man. who uses a sofa pillow on his clmlr Is rarely promoted to the manager's man-ager's desk, and the government at Washington employs twenty Pitmanic stenographers to one Gregg. No, we do not give our pupils three hours a day on the typewriter, as we have something else to give them in addition addi-tion to typewriting. Advertisement. uu Kgetea Look Young! Bring Back Its Natural Color, Gloss and Thickness. Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant, luxur-iant, remove every bit of dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Just a few applications will prove a revelation If your hair is fading, grav or dry. scraggly and thin. Mixing Mix-ing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way Is to get the ready-to-use tonic, costing about 50 cents Mn a large bottle at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractiveness. attractive-ness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It does it so naturally, natural-ly, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at' a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant Agents, A. R. Mclntyre. 'The Daughter of the Hills" is at the Globe. The Famous Players" best production. Don't miss it. Advertisement. TREE TREE. TREE TREE Wiff .TREE I We have a full line of the celebrated I HANDY LEE INCUBATORS AND Sizes 60, 75, 120, 240 and larger capacity. Prices I from $10.00. R Come in and let us show you. Jj 1 EXCURSIONS EAST I I Via D. & R. G. I Chicago and return. $59.50 5t. Louis and return . $51 .00 Jan. 28' and 29. Good re-turning re-turning until Feb. 25. Jt City Ticket Office, Reed Hotel. F. Fouts, Gen. Agent. Condition of Literature. Literature may be overBexed, as a H contemporary claims, but the modern output is decidedly undermanned at that. Washington Post IH Beet of Friends. "Are you good friends of the IH Browns?" "I Bbould think so. We -take "" care of their canary, bulldog and gold-fish gold-fish while they're away on their vaca- ll Read the Classified Arls. Tango I or not, everyone I is interested in good things to . H CHEI FLOUR I is tie basis for I many good things to I eat. B Try a sack and see. I FIST NATIONAL" I I . BANK I OF OGDEN, UTAH, U. S. DEOPS1TARY Capital 150,000.03 Undivided profit snd surplus 350,000.30 Deposits 3,500,000.03 M. S. Browning, Pres.;- L. ft E?cles, Vlco Pres.; G. H. Trbe, Vlc0 Pres.; John Watson, Vies Pres.; John PIngree, Cashier; Jaa. F. Burton, Asst. Cashier. ll READ EVERY WORD 1st. If you want your Horse Shod, take It to the Blacksmith, that's his business. 2nd. Or a prescription filled, take It to the Druggist, that's his busl- 3rd. If It Is Barber Supplies, THAT'S US. The man that knows quality buys here Where Do You Buy? OGDEN BARBER SUPPLY CO. Phone 1949-W. 318 25th St. WATCH I .REPAIRING Your watch will be thor-oughly thor-oughly repaired and regu-lated regu-lated if you bring it to HARRY DAVIS I The Popular Price Jeweler. 384 25th Street. 'The Store with the Guarantee." YOUR PHOTOGRAPH I Nothing will add more to the pleasure of the friends and kinsfolk at home. There's a photographer in your town; it's THE TRIPP STUDIO I 25th St Slade's I I Transfer I Phona 3,21. 408 25th Street Wo have ths rarflest van in tht alty. Quick ser.vlco. Moving, ship ping and handling pianos. Prompt freight deliveries. Furniture mo Ing a specialty. Storage at reason tbl rates. |