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Show oo j illlSIH I i n EiMiri I UNDER HOUSES I The city board or commissioners I this morning approved the final esti- I mate for work done by Andrew Ash- I ton on the Wheeler creek pipe line extension and the board authorized I the city auditor to draw a warrant for $2,813.10. The estimate was made ;j some time ago by Engineer ii. J. Cra- j ven, but the commissioners referred J the matter to the waterworks depart J mem. City Attorney Valentine Gideon re j ported to the board that he had been advised by Judge Charles P. Wood of j i lucao. at the board's request, re-specting re-specting the Issuance of waterworks bonds vo'.ed by the people last year, that there was due the judge foi his opinion a fee of ?25. The claim w.ii allowed. I Judge Wood ventures his opinion that the bonds will be legal when J properly issued and an ordinance reg- t Ularlj drawn covering the issue. He sas lhat he will approve of the l&aU- j ance oi $75,uuo bonds under the elec-tlon elec-tlon held by the legal voters of the eltj for waterworks purposes, if the proper ordinance Is passed by tho l hnnrrl nf cn tn m i ssioners. 1 It is expected that tho board will soon ask for bids on these bonds, as it will not be ions before actual con- struct Ion work will begin on the I South Fork dam, on which improve- If I ment the money is to be expended. i The petition for an arc light on Twenty-sixth street and Grammercy I , avenue, was referred to tbe superin If I tendent of streets I I Upon the recommendation of Com missloner Chris Flygare, the petition j- ',' or P. K. Smith to excavate a basement f under a building on Washington ave- nue and Twenty-sixth street was M granted The conditions for the granting of the petition are that Mr. f Smith shall have an architect furnish I- plons and specifications before the I permit shall issue. This action h;is ) not been required heretofore, Commls- sloner Flygare states in his commu- nication to the board, but he desires ( I that It be done hereafter, as the city j ordinances call for It. |