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Show to the town, instead of a odor iu m it COALVILLE TIMES. Wo. la. VWtl ., . . fo.W ... a. I. Ka. J, rwn coaiviu. to Efhe !A - . Ea.1 m. UP t . 'julL Mv Corr..paaeai 'for Imu ' .. tMSlr) ........ Cr .wkport Wuufctt Birjruvtu rpu.m Brfeu Jh Tin.' .. HU. Kulh Buititda Heoryficainaa W ,4ivory .... .. WwwK'h ruyiixn . ... Horrsu fc4 Canyon, UwrM . '.."V- ' ' M John . A Vomi .W I lrk to, Hrrni Wllii nrtsrru ... V. bas-pu- Alice Umdna 1, Van ewranutrra A. H. A.niy Wyo. Church Directory. aaiare. Konday ivhool every Funday at 10a. m. in the Make House. HacTaimmt Y. meeting at S p. m. every Sunday. M. M. I. A. every Sunday at 7 :30 p. in., in Puke tleuae. I.attf-I- a CJIl'RCH. CoKOBKUATIoBAL " Preaching aervice g. eve-m- y every second School every Kundav 2 SO p. m. - V IK PiTTH. Kun-da- Sunday at after handav school, 131 Friday were cleared end presented to him. The 10 of the party socially we urce ' marked. On the editorial page of this iinpre-io- n will be foand a letterand announcement of meeting to tie tield in the cmw.ty, which should be read by every subscriber. On Saturday tastp merry crowd of lutie one assembled a Jbwbome of Ucmiug, it . being . . . the occasion of the fourth Uitl.day' of their daughter, Nellie. Twenty-eigwere present, of Nellie little friend and- - they had a high and jolly lime. : innocent game of all kimf were played, nice refreshments were served, and the little one declare it grand. - Hr. J.C. Lannerberg, the renowned eye tpectahut has a Jarge ad on the fourth page of thi impression, notifying those who need treatments for their eyes that he will t iu Coalville next week. The Doctor ha been in Park City the past three week, where he ha met with good suite in attending' people with defective vision. Read hi advertisement. It will interest you. Seven of the boy in, the Reform made htrfif break for School attg-fe- n after reon Sunday last. liberty turning from the iupper room, and while one of the guards had gone to bis supper, the boy overpowered the remaining guard and seven of them made their escape. Sopt. Allison immediately too the trail, and now only two are at large. During the recent heavy snowstorm a number of theepmen w ith their flocks camped near BulJockA Uodsona Yellow creek ranch, and as their theep were rapidly.dving olf lor want of food and shelter, the great haystack were visited and large quantities hauled off and fed. Grant bullock and J. T. Hudson have gone up to invest igate and collect for their hay. About fifty young people, friends of Alexander Faddies, surprised him at hi hoin Tuesday eveuing and gave him such an entertainment a will leave pleasant recollections while on hia mission in Great Britain. One of the greatest surprises to him was the finding of H17 under his plate when refreshment were served. , It was collected among those present. bongs. recitations, etc., were the order of the evening, anil the last feature was the presentation to him of a handsome Oxford Bible by mem tier ofhisSuiidaytihoolrla- - the second, intermediate. I The complaint against the loy, John Am Marshall and James Wilde, wae on Saturday amended by consent of the prosecutluCTand the boy werssrrigned before Justice Copley' on the simple charge of larceny, to which they pleaded gnilty, Prosecuting Attorney Townsend gave the boys a straightforward talk, and told them that onlv because of their youth and previous good character did te recommend them to the lenience of the court. Justice Copley alto gave the boys a good lecture, and aentenced them to pay k fine of $10 each with costa, and to serve thirty days in jail. They are now serving their entenre. . o.' r . n. Mr: MT. Hi forAlex-nde- r ttnu to ttntme or ltuii kb DirKT iu rtaiosAt. nuh eondi-lio- fh - At the. benefit, dsnce'fiiveu Kiddie last night, M A Y 1, COALVILLE, FRIDAY. reproach, d ht Jt W. ITuff, Sr., ha the past few day i, J t Frank Croft made a short Well Satisfied with been qui flyers Hair Vigor. H'f.!.11 Mondav. from returned Mr. George Edgington her week Visit to Salt and gden Mon-- j leke Saturday and returned day. J.H. Lsmb, who ha been attending sctiool at Frovo the past inter, returned home Tuesday. left ftr lark I'm . Mrs.' Roy Wilkin yestertfsv fir a visit of acoupieof atekr - lUy is.ttow bati t.ing it,,. lerl. at John W. haiMnon, di-ti h ' FvarrStwf.aei hi brother, unn of Omaha, made a snort ir.t Nearly forty years ago,1 after rouie weeks of sickness, tuy hair turned gray. 1 liegan using Avera Hair Vigor, and was o well satisfied with the results that 1 have uever tried ar.y other kind of dress-inIt requires ony an occasional apph- cation of ! g. i t 4 'V Hair my color, 1 ( J The Mimes May and Millie Boshmi' who have been visiting In ctville :(. past few., months, left for their home ii Prove on Wednesday lat. Mis. J. J. Jones and three vhildren arrived iu Coalville Wedi esdav from Clvde. Kansas, to join her husband here ami ill make this their jieruunen' home. U Mue Fitxgerald, a brother-in-Kiteriff Harri!igtin, came loan from' Black P.iie, Mont.,-thiweek find juad- - j a short v isit here. He left for Idaho on business matters Monday night. J - AYERS j och-to-da- Traveling Faseenger Agent Tsgirart of the C. F. slopped off in Coalville Mon-n ! je t day and Monday night. Fark City Tuesday. - r icular. I V -' 'i to remove 'dandruff, to heal riciung humors, ami prevent the' hair from falling out. I never hesitate to recommend Ayers medicines Mrs. II. M. II to my friends. ahuit, Avoea, Nebr. , : Uj' igor to keep liaur of good Our bination Boy s Spring SUITS are up to date in every part- SUIT. $4.75 I'When buying, we secured the BEST School Suits in the market; with two pair We wanted Al pants and cap. ' something special; sometniug that a stout, strong boy could not wear out at once, and we found it. Come aud look at the suits and see if you do not agree with us tha tit is the best suit ever shown in this city for At $2.50 we can give vou a GOOD SCHOOL SUIT, double ' breasted coat and knee pants. We also carry better ones, which are just as big bargains as the elieap ones. Our Junior Suits for spring aud summer are unsurpassed in artistic and unique design. f4-75- - Hair Vigor ' FrepAredb) Take Ayers Dr.J.C. Aytr Je(V, SaruulU Li well, Mr -- Co. Mer Peoples ELDREDGE, Manager. ler the Csmslexios The .K L. The monthly meeting of the above 8t Ogden. A Theatrical Treat. cluo was held at the residence of Mr. J. F. lfnwes Company whiih played ami Mrs. W. W. ClufT, Jr., on Wedneshere Monday and Tuts lay nights gave and of the most one evening last, day our theater goers a. treat euch as they ' and profitable evenings of the enjoyable never enjoyed iu Coalville before. season was the result. They appeared the first night in The At 8 20, Mrs. John Callis. president Americah Girl," and fairly captured the of the club, announced that the second town. The company it a strong one, descriptive sketch of the early history ami in the above play Frank Readick as of Ireland by T. L. Allen was tbe first Ross Bolter, Geraldine Ruseoll as the on tbe program. Mr. Allen repouded in M. E. RHOADES "Anerican Girl, the principals, were a manner that w adecidediv interesting. hard to leat. As before stated their Mrs. Lena Thackeray in a vocal solo support was strong, and aside from the was next. Her election was well lias Just Rerrhcd a Beautiful ijecir mention due Little Queeme and chosen and beautifully rendered. Woodie Van Master Dyke, the two A biographical sketch of Sir Walter Assortment of Rilke for Waists, children, the honor were about equally Scott by Mrs. C. I. Wheadon came next divided. jn order, and her able paper was fol"THE SOI TIIKKN BOSE." lowed hv a short select reading ou the At 35c. and 55c. per yard. The above is the title of the plav given same subject by Mr. T. J. Lewis. by this company Tuesday night. hde vocal duet by Mrs. R. F. Northcott LOCAL BREVITIES. it is most interesting aud pleasing, it is and Mr. John Callis waa then given. not the equal of Tho American Girl." The selection was both difficult and It gave, however, great satisfaction to beautiful and tho voices harmonized For a change, it snowed yesterday. the large audience that beard it. The perfectly. City Council meeta next Monday play was cast in the best possible manDr. Ilosmer then read a selection a night. matter of fact, taking ner, 0 that on the proper care and treat-menttreating - R. C..Cham her ha bought the Salt the characters into consideration, it milk which was highly interestbe hard te discriminate. Of would Lake Uerald, ing. course Readick as "Jack Diamond" was lliiks, th weather prognosticator, Bv unanimous request Mrs. Lena thefavoruebom the - firsthand liolB ha not. hi ieeetj.il ery tuuch lira fat. the company with favored Thackeray Rtockdale as the villian and Dunsdule as another solo which was in every way Henry Wheaton Jrat pnt in a new "Denver Dan" were roundly applauded. flume and crossing in front of hi place. equal to her first selection. One or two of the company were not perin one conference Coalville The w hole program w as excellent, Quarterly fect in their lines, but the "breaks week from next Sunday and Monday, and instructive, and the ecrcely oticeable, sad were due, we the 10th and Uth. at least, will anxmembers, honorary are intoruied, to the cast having been took for the next meeting of the iously 'Both the Star and the 18 to V recently changed. Taken altogether, which they will ne permitted to have a change in their adver the company were highly appreciated, club at be present. tisementa in thi issue. and should-theever retom will likely At the close of the program, choice The first straw herrie of the season draw a crowded house. were served and heartily refreshments were on rale here Tuesday last. They after which an hour was spent 1' lea-aA enjoyed, VmpriM. came front California. in profitable social converse. This ocA of number ladies Mrs. E, A concert and ball lor the benefit of surprised RimDter at her residence last Thursday, cupied the time till 12 oclock, the hour Frank Olson and Alex. Faddies will be and had a most deligntfuttime together. fixed for adjournment bv therules of the given in ClufT Hall thi evening, Tables were spiead and a delicious clnh, and after tendering the host and It i estimated that fully 20,080 sheep luncheon was served. Miss Msrv Ann hostess a hearty vote of thanks the have patted through here thi week on Williams and Miss Clara Simiater sang company dispersed. thsir way to their cummer range. Good wheat or oats taken in exchange for The next regular weekly meeting ot Whi n fever ana other epidemic are duet ; songs were sung by Mrs Navlor, The sidewalk to th courthouse it around, safety In fortifying the eystem Mrs. Sommers and Mrs. the clul will be held Wednesday after, and bunk house furnished free. Morbyj- m.-iresidence ofMrt. F7M. A person havrapidly nearing compleiltin.Now let w ith Ayer EJiTarda Mrs. Mis and Lottie noon nexlat the tionsby the grading up the bill be attended tot in and Iinneo. it the thin impure blood, ing Lusty. Those present were Mrs. Ripe Coniiderable work ha been done by most favorable condition to "catch.' pon, Mrs. England, vlrs. Naylor, Mrs. OffforOre! Bntati . th llapkint Coal Company the peat whatever disease may be floating in vbe J. R. Algood, Mis Peterson, a Fuddles left for Salt Lake vester-riaAlex. week hi improving llieroftdt to that air. Be wise in time. drew Peterson, Mrs. Mary Ann Peterson, from which place he will start on mine. Mrs. and Mis Liveey, Mrs. Johansen, hie mission to Great iritain Osh U Hr l.M Kl. Celia Lusty, Mr. Hollands, Mrs, County Clerk Nortlicott on Menday The editor of Thi Tiwaa an Sunday Mr. Mr. Faddies is ene of our most exC. Williaips, Mrs. Joseph Allen, issued a marriage license to Robert received a telegram from Sioux City, la , John young men; he is completely emplary John Stones, Mrs. Martha Morby, King and Miss Ruth Burbidge, both of bound op in the work before him, and the death of hit mother Mr. Amanda announcing Kama. Robinson, Mr. Joseph enters upon its duties with a resolve to that morning. Not knowing that the Mrs, The occasional warm days of the past had been seriously ill, the awful tiding! Barber Mr. Sommers. Mrs. T. Lee, accomplish the object of hi mission if Mrs. alter I.ee, Mrs. George Frown, week have brought out the jm.it pitchamt hard labor can do it. was a great shock from which it is hard Edwards and Mrs. Nellie perseverance Charles Mrs, contested ol are and ers, wish hotly ,y games friends Hia many torslly. Neil MGs iili agreed, theydiad daily occurren e. tho rhree year travi't fn Shewa eue of God a, noblest women jrpgnddiope HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STA TIONERT. n toLittle Fay Chandler fell out of a lam her life was spent in charitable and spent a very pleasant a foreign country wi'l be attenied with much pleasnre and profit to himsilf. berwsgou Wednesday, but fortunately loving work; and she ha gone to her gether. At Kvanitoa aud llurk Spring. received no more enoiu injuty than long rest with the knowledge that on Ir. A- - C Melteoflry, OplHInn, Elders Gins Khlredge and George earth she has done her full duty as hump on the head. Of Trovo, i located at the Coalv'.Ke Vm. Thomas 1 avis aud Mis Film wife, mother and friend, and by her Ruff went to Evunstmi Vatuid,vt last as for one week, and respectfully Doue love and home her Thev mercy, misiomris. retnrnrd Mon- invites nil person sutfering from any Fillmore, both of Kaiuas, were ou Tues- dedsof kindness, and upright life she won day and report having Ivcn well day join J in the holy boudt of wedlock impmieii eyesight to call at once. Connude for any the hearts of all; a ministering angel on byag'vd imne: sml tht-sultation free. Glai-seby Justice Thomas Cwnley. " -will correct. trouble thabglaese? the of referred hewiU i.cr rewards ,rf the choir rvnp Dr. A. C, MeKeudry iti earth, f the McKendrvs ilty llr, tye . they found here. Hn v s tin Evanston has this issue that he is at the Coalville labor of love, gained turn aiarge practice through, It being utterly iuijwissilile for. the choir i ,i 1, mled and outshine out the State and among lrovo House for a short time, prepared to treat w here he lias made his aiid the eye for any impaired ey esighL Dr writer to reach Sioux City in time for many a irger and let .me. I re t lnX W. ami A- abort ftfnevaf, the ai'proprlateserj ti.U right McKemiry haiU Jrotu 1'raVo. persons will be supplied free vii-were held at hi house here, at were in Rn ni lv home indigent line of introduction from a mema "A nun named Hyrum Fink wai upon ' which Hon. Alma Eldredge made touch- mDshm-trwurx, Fli .!. It rcpi.d hav- ber of the relief society. arrested in Echo yeaterdav tiy Jowpii and truthful remark's; as did also ing nin w itti a hearty re ei urn, and hk: ing Ftorer and turned Jover. to llerlff wise uentione thethur w Hn-- - sereBishop Wright. -- Aa j Jlsrringiorv for stoaling a pair of cant A 'number of kind friends sang beautinaded them. Honojs world's I' air. Highest from the llopkin Mercantile Company ful sad appropriate songs and iu many Bp. Wright informs the writer tl at He w ill he tried DELr sernisrbv Ihmr tbe meeting lu"e ai K,.,--- ; way lightened tlie.grea' Sprmgs is Karnmie Thomaa narrowly eJ Little kind ami svmp.itheiic words and ac nicely furmhe I und ibt it is the incatHsl living killed Sunday by the kick To all who have thus shown their tention to make extei.-nv-- i improsements id ahorce He was driving the uiil of love and ki mines, we wish to in the huildicg. spirit when the htese suddenly kicked, return uur home, hear; felf and sincere thank, Mr. D. 1 . Davis, a strixing the Ky full in the face. The and to priiminj, j hverv-tna- n fedfiy express our appreciation little .11 lot was rendered unconmout of ami men h,m d t iu-- n, V 1. has their sympathy. for .some liuiby the force of tiie kick, this to nv rhttmu'Hm. f take but fortunately evp-- d any eerloug For every quarter in w mans jeieket pleisurc in jec mme,idng Chamber-iai- n 1'itin p.qim for rhenma-- j there are a vloa-y- i tun; ami to ue e.n h in. is I Auk-o- n 011B in such a mayaa to derive the great- - know from ) rcnal thy fence around thq evKneice that it House block was begun yesterdavr The est benefit everyone must solve for him; Will do ail th.t i claimed of it 1 voar lot has all been plow eibJismiwed and self, - We tielieve- ,- however, rhJt ' TiO t ago this ;.rmg uiv brodicr was ajd up leveled, ndr hy the find of next week better ue eouhl be made of one of these in beilwith mth.m-ca-o-rheoaiatism for tbe ground ill be ready reeding. A quarters than to exchange it for a bottle and sutreruj mtensmv. The first application of ChiiLberlain Pain Halm, Cholera very pretty plan for the walks, roadMOST PERFECT MADE. eaed baa piarrh.jea .Remedy, a melicine that the pain and the use of one ways, grase plots and floaer tw-Fret A pure Grape Oeam of Tartar f'owih 1, been adopted, and 'This property will family should be provided with, j pletely cured him For om Ammonia, Alum or any othe- aduUetant. ; jMin salejy eoon be a thing of beauty and attraction For sale by John Hoyden & fkitl. Boydcn A Son. 4O YEARS THE STA.AAO. GaoafeB It. , 548, Kttn Ft-aa- Paid or, te . ALMA Mes, Best Weber Coal. OLD GHUBGH & CULLEN MINES i- j nt 2100 lb Cullen Mine lump, $2.00 2100 lbs Old Church lump, 1.75 .80 2100 lbs Stove Coal coal, Stabling W. W. CLUFF, Prop. M-- y. 0OYDENSJ)RU5TORE. Prescriptions Filled. hhn-ever- af'e-noo- C O ' y give-notic- I Always On Hand at the e . COAL V1LLE. citi-use- in-- ns 1 rGH . e p1-- ! v 1 v MINE h Lump, Stove; CREAM y. iMliNli ke $2.00 " 1.25 u PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY J J Uttle-'com-ever- y Weber Coal Dept. O. S. M, Co |