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Show an sgriruUanl community, Jt i nndrr. s that tb citixB geoerslly will tars out And that good music will b provided. COALVILLE TIMES. m lum tur nuiT.iT mi S r. M. stood COKPJtr. PU8USMMG ri.VNEO. Editor and Mmvaw. Ttrm of Subscription. .. Year ftti Moo Hit.. Turec Moittht A HAJOKiTYof R6B . I . tbo water ditchehve been cleaned out, and retterds lh water s turned intotbeoa. There are, a few ditches that hare not received attention, and they ahould yet Cofeei ... , - " T he immediately looked after, "One yard Advrtiin Kmimm. of filthy ditch is autheient to poison the entire water mipply ( rite city. and fhi M ( , (Vi 1 aean, at feast, 'which front wt wa, ao tu i no. I an t be an unusua! one ' w . ... i r v; .M uo to oo T. o , of in v atidden the u uv matter i at w a. changes in the ... tj . weather, every precaution to ward olf .MitU-rpAf llu tor flrt lliwllntt; J ivDtl per hue hit t l Ub' Ucilt .on itieave ahould be taken. Not a vmgle win bAitrlrtly adbAfod M. foot of a aingla ditch through whii-l- i the Uuu. i. water flews shoiil i he overlooked. I nut t t rMtoj.. u ctiHUt, however, 8 lt ft fct 1 presehlin-dlcationapromi- H) IS tIM, c u S'MV ('. Cla Timely precaution HT.VJLLR, FRIDAY, MAY 1. 18iW. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. s C A Attorn. Mor.bI Judire l ... 8TA Tft . . V. M. . odd . and promt action in this mattes way save much troub.e, e liise and heartburnings later in thu season, and thereforo we hope every property owner will aee to it that their water ditches, back yards, Stc., are put io proper ebape. M, U0 .. ...... ..... t Jm.MornT. Beeretarv..: .. It aaawa very inconaiatent to hear .. ..... . .. ... Snilltor i .Jowph Chip wan Tivamin-tusuihore oldhe House and Senate, as A. ..... (i. ttlvtHijr SUotu, , Gellrrul ... fcwYdTftor . t - tUmm-mi- , CbarVi mptr.ut jvmts Zaur & a W. cnukT. hunt lUrtfh - JVH.iy Til l tit JVPH'UL Aides Hilo! , A. Minot niSTKlCT. . jt Onuiitc Young. John A. Street COVSTT. .R.Y. Northern t .... "Writ Rworrter". J. . hvlinon . A. J Jottkinn Akmouwo nod CttUoclor ... ...... Slo-tlf- f J. M. Hrnuto .......... ... ! H. w I Trwwurvr Ivon Survrjor Amour nriiottnm H tUloin Art fa)o .. Reorder lr A Bhrd n. A. Tuwuwud - Henrf WMli John ("Ach blli.i, CITY. .... .... . .......I. ... Trouurer Wiennt-- r ... .. ,iT. M. And FuMitn well ae other prominent men, get op and make lengthy speeches in which they deviate that our government is the strongest, most independent and prow tierous of all th government on earth, and in the itezt breath declare that we are powerless t dictate or put into practice an independent financial policy. When they corn to this peint, their cry is that w mast have an international to bn. Tlii after the eloee of th present college year )x-r-i b - W. lie. ton of hn statement may strong, June lt. Prof.-Jowas chosen to preside ease Wash., with Seattle; but it is fully proven by the colored individ- over the experiment station, and he which two wdl probably have an aasistent in the uals, claiming a pull with the voters of person of L. A. Merrill of Richmond, "ths race, "touched" Senators Hill Cache snd Allison, and Kepresentativs Ohio, who i the custodian of! J JOMN, the WashingtoD end of the McKinley f Je t boom ; and the part of the Attorney at Law. transaction waa that when the fraud Col-- r were exposed and confronted by the practice in all the courts. three gentlemen they had "worked" lections promptly attended to. neither of them would a a ree to prosecute Office ,pi" I , ,oar?... . norl-i1,- , tbe rawai. bnr all agreed 4 advising the chief of the Capitol police to let Times oilice, Mainst., Coalville, j A them go with warning to keep away WYYWF.U, uch advice QlwlltCCK from the Capitol building, order aud of in art was the na'ur was, Law. of course', followed. Certainly the hare Attorney fact that two uiiVnow o colored men, Notary Public. A with no better credentials than their own claims to control vote, could get o diK.r nortfP of Stake1 money from tbee men is proof enough Ilou.-e- , Coalville, Utah. of ths gullibility of politicians. They w hen called themselves they Dr. J. and claimed went to aee hena'or Hill, residence in New York. They were RePhysician and Surgeon. publican when they saw the other p Pity sud (aarautiue Physician. gentlemen. block ea.st of Times j The most startling hit of Presidential Office first A news of the week is a story that if the Office, Coalville, Utah. Democratic silver men control the Chicago convention they may nominate JAMES E. HOSMER, M. D., Senator Cameron of Pennsylvania for Physician ami Surgeon, President. According to the story, Mr. Coalville. Cameron has been sounded In a diplomatic way by Democratic silver Senator in office at all hours except when awav Office and residence at William Hod-eon- s g, t0 whether he would accept the uotn old residence. would. he is ination, and the belief that Those Who regard the story ae probable THE point to Senator Camerons recent statement to his Pennsylvania friend that lie did not with to be sent to the Republican National Convention as a delegate. They think this indicates a desire on his part to lie left free to act as lie pleases in the Presidential campaign. the naom gultil4 ! alick-tongue- d l- J. CHAMBERS, ! in- - BXEZ new line of Ladies and Misses Capes, at Large assortment of Parasols and Umbrellas, Ladies Shirt Waists, Sweaters h sizes and colors to suit all. beautiful stock, of , Lawns, Percales, Satins, Wash Silks, Outings, Laces, Embroideries, etc, & din RubtiiAon t. UM-al- Men, Take Notice! Stop the town. COALVILLE We now carry a line? of goods that in quality have never been rlrltrl (!!( A t'wrw fur M RhAamatUm. Mrs. K. L. Unison, of Fairniount.IIli - Ye We always Keep on hand a complete linp of Groceries, and will meet any prices quoted in SALOON. agreement." C im qu--re- T1 Rnr "4 . counts.-Tribune- Gmt-Venor- Paor. Hicrm, the weathei prophet, To make the hair grow a natural color, John J. I,. ( niptU says irrigation wiU be unuccesaary thia prevent baldness, snd keep the scalp Thom!A Copley JtiHltr ol lit rwi .. J. Smith Street ipervlaot and it begins to look as though he healthy, Hall Hair Renewer was in. ... t J.tMmtier tear, City Hhy.UUn, vented, and hits uroven itself successful. Jme ntuno was on to bis job. Svxloa i! ilHatan, A. Coutirtlmvn.F. H Writtht, C. Rueli.n.B, W. W. Clutt, Jr.. John Wilm. . Th Af MorvhAl - - 1,, CO-O- P. P O The Tuesday was notable day i State surpassed iu Coalville. fur. OF lSTI'.REST TO JU. educational Institution the circles, brands of tioissaya; "My sister uet Uhauibcr-lain'- s ! rheuma- nishing the sensation being the State for Balm Pain tmiscular A In order to set orth the wishes and beautiful and The complete line of ilUuiy. tism and it effected a complete cure. 1 Agricultural college at Logan. board of trustees held a meeting, deaim of the leading agriculturist of and Ladies of all Ladies house in it the at Coalville and and times keep Millinery Furnishiugs. capitated the president relieved two LIQUORS, Utah, and knowing the aubjcctjnatter have alay found it beneficial tor ach-endeavored the to meet settlementvUiave adjoining to be of Interest to eteiy Tine reader, and pains. It It the quickest cure for professor and created a special chair for of all bv placing in stock au elegant line of 51. Prof. station. the J. AND CIGARS experiment . we publish the following letter in full rheumatism, muscular pains and lameness 1 have ever eecn. For aale by John Tanner, the Supreme court reporter, from Prof, Paul of the Agricultural was chosen, president, to succeed Prof. Just received. If you want a Also a grade at very moderate prices. Ladies and Doyden A S.m, Paul, who has conducted the institution College; drink or good purchaser of a trimmed cigar, give us a common Hats from 25c. up. Loo a a, Utah, April 15, iXftO, for the past two years, and Professors tfASJI IS'UTOX LETTER. I souvenir a call vottr attention receives caU. bouquet. respectfully enclose Editor Timka; Dkab fha Mills and Uichtnan were notified that A Ladies Waists. and to Shirt line; all sizes oca my Bstii'Laa large SIMPS0N-complete herewith a notice of aa agiicoltural SWAINSON. JFaou their services would not be required CsjitostT.l and colors to select from. Ladies laundried waists, 50c. and up; WASitiNoroN, April 27, 181W. meeting to be held in yonr vicinity. No intelligent tuan could have been beautiful line of cambric underwear, ladies vests, I2jjc. and up. Will you have the kindness to make in week In this without of the mention Washington Also a nice line of zephvrs and precales, summer corsets, 50c. occasion, being any public there may convinced of the truth of the adage, manner you caw, In order and up. lx a huge number in attendance. It is "Estrernes meet." The delegate to our endeavor to ahl in illustrating the the National Arbitration Conference, agricultural reaouce of thia country and composed of more than 300 prominent la showing to the best of our ability cilixen representing thirty-eigh- t States, how to utilize there resource to better who came to Washington to push along In connection with our line of advantage. We shall be gratified if the the idea of compulsory arbitration of in ternational . were men each the in and net disputes, by leading community, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC. Vaucznelan question, which has again ttm iariuers generally, will shall-bfor assumed We withna. threatening proportions, by grateful tug We will carry a stock of MACHINE EXTRAS gcstioni as to the lines of Instruction our reason of Lord Salisbury's latest com we ha e ordered direct from the factory for all kinds ot which meeting! should follow, and ns to the mnniration refusing the proposal of mowers and binders that are used in this section of the couutry. needs wf the farmers in each particular this government and the consequent reWe also carry wagons, mowers, binders aud hay rakes, district We desire, in short, to serve newal of war talk among Iwlligerent the agricultural interest of this region ; Congressmen. Ami they also found at;d many other things. Call aud get our prices before purchasCen gressuien talking of declari ng war and to thia end w invite yonr ing ebewhere, as we. defy competition, sKaTTeapeciatly welcome sugagainst Spain, because of the G. ROBT. YOUNG, gestions from earnest workers in any eerst execution of Walter Pygert, a American shall and In been who not a has line, jionng agricultural deprecate honest critictMa from whatever source it Cuban pri-a- n and wliose relew-- e luel the State Come. Graduate of the Spencer Ophthalmic College, New York may pottlivcly prumim-. 1 venture to tlieerdraw-that therefore, Notwltb.tHnding you ask, will give to .the meetings such en- iiMcka, the Arbitration Conference waa a Citv, will be in couragement as you think proper in re aacees. ann waa a huig step towards th eponee to our ow n efforts to aid in the adoption of a pidicy of arUitration by Industrial develojuneuUd our Sale. 1 this government wherever poselhle. The A. I. A. fight in the iloit! may have the honor to tie, your with re' J- - It- spect, Ptt. be renewed when the Senate amendment allowing taro years to change the Th M rvttagv I noun secturimi echoolaJot!) govern-- Fol lowing miss- -t his People ha vtu g weak ryr?ught"snoul ment school Comes Tt p; TheAi' PTU the alvive, and we hope to ce an active men in the House succeeded in opportunity to have their eyes properly examined and putting interest taken in the matter; 1 fitted. The Doctor has instruments with which he can a proviso in this hill forbidding the payexamine every part of the interior of the eyfcs," and can The farmers of this county will he ment of a dollar by the government to to that a eerie of meet- Indian which ar under sectarian tell in an instant whether he can benefit you or not. ings w ill be held for their benefit, early uisnaeement. and it ia thought that Many children complain of pain-ithe eyes, and feel unable to In May. The services of Prof. A. A. they will refuse to accept the Senate their with in classmates school. They - undoubtedly have keep up TIN-SHO- P. Mills and Prof. F. ft. -- Unfield, of the amendment a the com promise it was troube with their which if corrected, will benefit them vision, ' Agricultural College of Utah, have been intended to 1. for life. (nv-o- f secured for May 8th and 9th. the meet unique pfrqHnitiong M Home-mad- e Meetings will Lie held at UoyYvilleon ever lubinitteT to Congress is contained Tinware, Stove in the rvaoluilon offered hy Friday.. May 8th. at 2 oclock, in the Pipe, Path Tubs, Garden afternoon and at S arlock in the ewn- - Can non of U t a h, provid i ng for an in IP TSK, SDLVTNTT Spriuklers,Galvan;zed iron, quirjr int the feasibility of th conatruc . Ing. and Sheet-Iro- n Zinc, Copper At lVo. a meeting will 1 held on tiou, near Washington, of a topographi'FtxiRVTlVK Work, etc., made and A skillful Saturday, May 9th, at 1 ;30 p. ns. ; aud at ical map ot the United States on a seal Lanncrlierg, th eye speeuliot, fe t j by Repaired Kama on Saturday night. May 9th, at of one inch to the mile. It did net need and mpctilig with gratifying suco-Lanncrberg has treated quite th speech of Fenator ('an non in favor her at intervals lurealter. SocloclL i care-of in this city, and in plie j largo numlxtr K. le-t-itc- h )otor brought with him The lectures are intended to lie of of his resolution to convince anybody 111 re- - r inatancc has been euoce-sfand reeoinn.endn-lievin- g man darsemenls those whoe eve,gin was defec-jtwpractical benefit to.thf fnrnicrs. aJiJ w Ui that inch a map would give stir nr an obfroln the leading citizens f the 4eal with every-da- y ject lesson of the appearance of our tire. Mntptlivr (Msho Examiner. topic. Matt, uml tin? work ltt has porfornni Shop, one block east of Stake The has full v jnlifietl theProf. Millais well known iu this lo- country aw could not b obtained by the House'. will Pr.LannerbeiTj, Coalville, Utah. stay j f,a kept qmte bity here cality, which is his old hom.1Ii sub- years of studying printed maps, but or so. f a tew d.ivs louder. day VlurU but T reniain anj (an ( h! e her he has treated many person, j Bteiwm ject will comprise " Past are and Meadow whether it is feasible to make and main(M. nt.)( hrooide. Tf with him and vu "Rotation : tain such a map ia the firet thing to be all of whom are sati-lie- d (basses Adapted tj Utah. w ora- W of y- Tin-rljinneri-erre spoken hi is nut a ped-- 1 Ir. nmny prices. deconsidered. and Relation the to .v..: s r... to Its Fertility 1 According to Mr. Cannons dlcr" of apeotarle. lie tiwt e c ill I lr. J. (t, ljmnc Paper Hanging a Specialty own figures th map would cover i25 oqnlis-tc- . g struction of Wild Oats and Other lx- - remomlx-r'-thi;t ! He i a f on of thc It Niasearm-!i.io aa A it could woi die covered it Weeds. of optbaitnatolngv, and rvd Icgt-acretr experienced in wide reputation m hi ix the ,or hime!f Prof. Lin field will speak Upon dairy- woutJ he to construct the map the better h is knoan the t which ca-- i rractic in 'he confidence hIVn; Wool pnifessiim. Uivr ing under the following titles; "How out of eorae sort of weather rerieting ma'rrposi-wl ioim-Lp- tl laj-ea. and It Pat-- 1 Caveat, snd at lowest rates fr'm Sc only eafclv le entrus'ed to thoc to Select a Dairy Cow; "The lairy terial, and as all the rivers and take are " tried. Tills onnortmuiy af-- j ent buwns cooducteu for Moouatc rt. J I ' have been I u Otx a. OeeoAiTf Ornet wvtirr oryiet J t roll, up. Men- -1 work d done Dueinet-a- , the eye etn'eialist, feried t- - nur people ta have their eyes j and How- to Make a Fuocesa of to he shown hr real water it would have can secure inuctn m kastnue HrtruhowJ , headquarters at examined and fitted with glasses should (emefr it "TUiaing and Developing the Dairy to be made nf someth ina that w.uid - ,y i n.ow,nkJn,st, or photo., with deaertp. t ia a JSeodrt the Facitic Hotel, is siJ to be Shop one door south Iff to 1 Reatartr-- w looked, t.ood en-viklorrrt.g wii-- h Kn,e, if That would e b Tew. a g wl . . it away. idvtw, paiemabl or not, tree 01 X ,me vfry dtHIcnit operation. The Our f m poc aua till iwient is sectrred. S ant, c,tmlvtln-- , ( tan. Give m a triwl, l, Other agricultural topic wiU thing to have theie is no doubt, bat, j Herald t not in the' of lauding How to Obt&io Hstentt, with 1 A i i ! th in t He doctor,-buoc ooaotnss ft Id'll Toll I U,St&4 if fureiga fiom all we can hslfvcssn e wilt Jcosti as occasion may demand, or the like eoaie other good (king, it may be traveling riht.rAM bskwep.. 1 na in recommending Dr. j lenrn warra! et the torci.V HoeI. w here he The general pui-l;- r t)o costly for evervolav nse. aodieiice n ay des-re- . present t I as notonlv an eminent, hut Will Wudos-e- d of J Ca Ae all ttr meet . 1 to lotnuerherg; quej-Yv 1 CL The average politician la a gulaid in- - n will find these uicetii-Notary Fa bile, Jieafer. instructive trnwnrshv eye epcrialit. IViatcllo ' and they tdiouid be profitable to alL in dividaaLd the mom prominent he is : ldf.h(H ilviatd.' ilid.j, Prtcr thyi. WINES, 1ZT. e Just Received linsni 5 HATS AND TRIMMINGS. IEvery - & HO tht W IS YOUR EYESIGHT? MAGGIE SALMON. DR. J. C. LANNERBERG, e d W.& Is-e- n Wanship. d COALVILLE dnot i n READ THE PRESS OPINIONS. Ot-uiU- m. li Joseph Jones, tinner: 1;; ul n, TafiTfers. - clit, 'J !.). lttcr tx-e- -- e Nox-iuu- urq-hut- n h-- i y gri-at- d i o-- ; I Trade-Mrlto- 1 iiI-- s s - -- : 1 die-cuw- hht 1 rl - S 0 CO. Cmk-uilti- r 2 I 4 fceont;te. S J |