Show P1 r l I KTITK MltVH I tltno Api 17 Ill the Foinl I Hi 1i inlctnulttLn II el rt I hv Julge M tartt lo lie I hangeit t ly I Ihe nook untilIn I si 1 m os Jell 10th 2 Ion wan haii lien I pineiire + Ills it I eciiiHtj and inn lie wen vilinmlMj out t In I the fonninm + in rntof the J 1nir Uy mid i mly bi 10111111 Tlii hI are I qultr a equoin i to flue park llor s aid n1 t The funeral the Into John M I Iotr lev who died on TuewUv moinln ollhe l IgnofW I will Uliplu HI II l l a ii to e day at lie Ir ti ward ineetlnn IMUM 1 The dmaied cam In Halt Lake I mfll I a d i had rehM In the tWiuh ward tItr pine Hewitt a good illlr u and vhHeilnlly met rwy duty that d I leef 11011 him Herald lion ileorin Q Cannon war eli p1 l a director nt the ITnlon Iaelllc ru taT yeterlny The nhwllon wee I I at Horton and Mr Cannon nnceredi linn JimSharp who lui been a m ibcr r1 Ibis h ird lnn > the death ofhli I Iner llMiop John Slurp There boor ilwayi lawn a ddenl 01 Mall Lake al the Ixiard whoiMliily III li In link oi i lIe lnteiii Ip of Ilnh railroad mallei Jerrr lllehanl > nii who wai fiit to the iKinlieiillnry for a term nf JMM for flue crime of rape upon the pcrn ol Mir Simmon ul 1 Mldwar woo fined pardon the italo hoard ol pardoi ul Ut recent lining 1copl In hark niy whlIn knowing that llfrhnrdton niyna Punday tchool tchnlar feel thAI L I wai unjDilly eonvlrliil 1 and that the tivldenoe ihnwed tint the girl wn nol n1ing lheraii anwllllni tlctlni Irk Hnord Mi Anna C Ialterton nkd 1 72 years who HVM al lit Roil I W nth Koiitli trlnl to kill hcrtell Friday afternoon 1 after-noon For tome lima part iho ha Iun l illipontlenl partly l caiitn uf tiling nnanwi font iirlnclpally Mill I rail II btvatiiu ol the erratic conduct of her ion Charlet who li well known alwut town M a mining man lometlinei oil ol u nobs but alllo with ono ho the per I iMTllve Tribune I I A rare ipcclmen nf the polices vibe w ns runt ami killed by John Qlle l ua t Jeir mlll pond last MrindiyfTrTe Trd wa mow while weighed 21 ponnj and hoJa bill alwutfl Indie lo pwldl a loin l remmhellngnhatk I bill tinier Iho lower bill wai a largo ouch or tuck which would hold tcvcral gallons ol wr Into which lood li put for nmtile a Han The wllcaii It rarely errs In Ihli rcllon und quilt n curlonlty WarntcU Wa c e AllM Ma IViwman died Kattmlay iiiornlng appenlkltli TliHiletTiied I eat ono of floe limit widely known niU Kpular 1 > OUIII earl In Iho Nlneln iilh ward prominently Mutinied with the Lush vocletlei snout Hutidiy rrhool The fatal attack iahie nn Friday fait when don relurnnl from irhoot In great pain Medical aid war olnoavaM and the patient died In great iiiirering yci lerday Khe wa bill 17 year ol age and Icnvei A hoitot friend 1 and rclnilvci to mourn her Hidden death Tribune |