Show I POLL AS IT FLILB The pathway ethic masnilne that nay on publication II I strewn with 115 pale ruriism of slimed h author At huts CoiHlllutlon In title of her Imastui Independent In nln rasa out nt ten for neN vv man couldn gel along with ul the old I nMMl lloatiiii Globe Hl Would be ald b pntgrrslt labile > Into Ihnss torn that limn ftrlat i train 1 mnsilns more MI Iw than lb fnnt tine Cleveland Plain Imude Touihlno the garntlan l f the aivll I iiulty > t man bar rrn > U that even rUI Mienilala I I tea mu illwun ihi atm I I tlqillt of Nnntan1hllndrlphln In nulnrr A Tl ri undertaker bend hit ndVtf tlSMnont A step In the rUlit air r mlesm and crmtudet It with ihiMr a I belt tutee Itilhulelilihi Itrc rl Yen null the trr > man with a sigh style la I n flue II Init fur n wrltsr to hoar l but when hla atlta fnt wrie It Inks I lime trotlt mitts 111 a Slftliu 1 inilon doaa not thinl much nf New York siickiy New Turk duos net think much of Ihltagu axKlctt and bt i hi of go dues not think muih of I t Ihllk 1h Lundun 1 itr and then you ore1sahlWtrn Star They may sun ed In reUuclna the price ot tha telephone aenlrn hilt they will never be able to Iltati out the vcle it IV > runs woman who Inf rma us that the Hue are In tit Uuilultoll ISmt IUI |