Show V15TBIIANS CORNKK I OOOD SHORT 8TOIIIG8 FOR SOL j men rtBAUtms Aitt totiat fllte on Jot 1111 oe5 III Iosttsiesuimmec 110111 I A ritt I 0 ste I tato Urn liilin fill I HATH limb talk of I bloody flghtlnT Why hmild J I Congrn n p 11 I and rail What tho MM of 10101 bllln I plies lift lllO 1 lion UIIT I I J I 1 ve no eel to gta r In nulltr emit I hue cause of1 IliU IHM I For It luirt of ill my brelln that Old IfnKbncln alwny right 11111 dent want no more IlKlit I Clrht with llngland Bh our mother llltough ha breath In I nuttier mlinl And Im never going lo mnolhrr my affttllmi when Iheyrn nxeil I Inr tvowrtr the mill one nilnee Ihll fart tummies to him again i 1 Tlurtc got lonli saul duke unit prlnrm weve got nolhlnic hr I bill meat < Wr i I What tin He nmounl lo then Mir I aint iloln nnlhlii lintel dlln nn I I V fnrallela wind I Win re licr quntttr ttutk hilt hovel he linn nlwn > claimed Uml I When folk them objected to It iho linn knotted nn out of lrht And of r iimn she couldnt do It If slut wmnt In the right Hliei a ipronder of the Unlit Now iffi toinclhlii awful solemn when i i wild Protldeiirff you flght I I TkKe tier pUni soil overhaul em think In you eon ret em right i I Knilandd never make Hint blunder sue know Ie tlny ilrong hninl Anil yeui cci ihrn sill 1 from under In Armenia lilooily land Chic wnnl Turkejr power In Hand Let her build IIIT fort about in she diiul menu ut any harm Hue tuny itonicllme teem lo flout u > hut wo neciln1 feel ilarni With her gun hue gait 0IllmallIn ahe Die great canal l could guard Ami mi mao of nndcntnnilln aiiKht to take Ibal very hard Why Iwaul 1bo her strongest card Mint her late for tin neer cnse wo mint how the Chrlitlanii might WIIII our left cheek hanged lo piece wn nnut turn In her our right Rlrgln I Sims ran do no evil therefore All I hi rest one Krone Arid are children IIf lie detll unto whom they do belong Play the grip un them ho trong Now York Sun llr lh or llrrib Mineral John llhhan Ia I dead dead not wounded an ho wan brett inns In the rltll war nnd ouro In nn Indian war He wa n iwldlrr There were greater commander on huth aide In Iho Amtrlraii lIAr hut among them there wa not Dime of whom It can bit morn Iruthtiilly raid Ito was a sal dler Ho had no other profVMlon To thai ha wit thoroughly neddwl Thciti are no other of Ibo union arm In follow fol-low John Utubon to tha gratis who will be mom ilncercly and unltemlly mourned No other man of ripml runt and command mado n morn rredllahlo record rec-ord safely may It bo Mid that no other I orttccr In rimimand of a brigade ill VI Ion and army corp wt oflener under un-der tinetip to Iho lino chrvrliiK hlf ohlleni by word and oxamplo Ho win brute lo rcckle neM too often ho on daucered tile life Khen that llfu wnn uxded In dlrectlnx troop dlrectlnt i Ihtiii os II general with a mutket or i ulllaliiX a lannun annul direct If Mure wan lighting In ills lclnlly John Hlilon didnt tevin to IH > nblo to keep 1111 from It Hi did In most of hU buitlM what mout RentroU relied un ul < U to do Ho always nnttxl In lee t thb tummy hi men were lo bo hurlo1 upon or lo fortify uinluit Itt wanted to knnw lo Kit Information with hU hr I own eyes omit warn htnc u wax that 111 bon ahwnyi hoveroj alotiK the front I WIlI1I ilurp work wan nnllclpili No cm did n Ihlni for John llllibon In j battle Hut John llhboii I could I do for dl laiiKlf III part of lie bill lieu en brck tttcn It Han hihs fmill utomiM he had neglerlvd n ulnglo detail failed 10 lake rcry precaution Ills Iliperlor I rould always rely un lIla bloc more thmi they expecttHl of him ilia aoldlcr 1Iro over wlllliiR lo do what ho com innnded them lo door do-or mirh Midler malrolal was Cencrat John lllbhon a native of Ieoniyhanln a cadet from North Carolina a lieu Knant In tho Meslrnn war a captain of artillery In lIPS n brigadier of vol under In KG n major general In 1864 a colonel ut regular In IbCO n brigadier goneral of regular In 1SS8 retired In IMil commander ut lie Iron Ilrlgado of the sent com lllo1 uf three Vlncon si In rijImonlB ono Indiana and one I Michigan rrglment commander of n dhlilou In Hancock Carps and he rIll OIO doted his I crvlco In the war u an com raacder of bin Twentyfourth army corp lie was cboieu rumnmnderln chief of the Military Order of hue Loyal Legion for a term of two year at the Vaihlngton iM lon last October There is I a ilnccro mourner In every home containing a lurvlvcr who fought under Rrntral John Olbbon Chicago TlmecHcrald ano Waimsee 11I1 Otney in I > w Wallace yesterday rclutcj an In I lent stimuli shows to a remark able extra the wonj tfnl tngacltr n1 memory ot btaekblnl wy the India1 spelt BtillMl I j At my home over In CrawfordiTllU Mid the general we Irava a large nun I l bar ot tall trees on the lawn and In i eaarte of lime thaw tee became the nxxrtlNg plie AI eertln time of the peon for hundred of thaiiMndi ef I hlaekMrd They came In greet blck cloudt and In iplte of all I could do they refuted leave Of course they Were a great nulnnte and I was In dc pair an to Mine menn nf getting rlor of them I stool for Ina wIth amy pn firing Into them of an evening and killIng kill-Ing hundred of them but the rcl M nnt grew to I be iiimdently rtmek by fenr or grief lo want lo I part company with mo ond my hotpltallty I then deviling a new whemo Procuring a nimilxr of Itoman candle one evening I lighted them one by one niter dirk when Iho bough of the tree were bent low with the weight of Iho croaking lilrdo and I poured the candle Into the top of the tree at a great rate The uddn Innovation Marlled the blnli on nothing had ever done before and hey heam ptnlettrleken That nlghl I wa free of them Thn unit evening hotteter he habit of returning Ihcrr to rood ws stronger than fear and they began coming In hy thouiandi m hut evening approached After dark I began wllh another volley of candle and he I bird begun to renllto thit there wa n determined bombardment In prngret They fled preclpllaltly Coil the third evening only a few re turnd li few taut ahoin put them > o night and I wan troubled no more Hut what do you Ihlnk tlm o bird did My 1 dividing fence run between the tree nn my property nnd the trees on the properly of my neighbor whldi ire 1 equally high nnd niiinlly iiltah1e for a home for lie blackbird When the bird were drlicn from my lot they flew over aeroM the dividing fence to Iiie I tree of my neighbor nnd ettled There i woe no knmhirdmcnt over there and I they have ila nl there over since This wa a long lime ago but never ilncn I lilt lift llomin candle wa fired Into them bu one of Ihone bird ictlled on one of my tree They are tabooed al effeeiuill a I though hey I were on tire The great cloud of bird each morning and evening fly directly over my tree going and coming but not n bird cettte upon a tree that la I on my I stile of thi dividing fence Another strange thing In I that If any one of an I etenlng itamli In my lawn and makes a light nclie na clapping hi hamlt 1 there wbil be tile wildcat commotion among the bird In Ibo neighboring tree They become reitlM antI nl moit panleilrlcken If ho ever the i name person crone tho fence and ntniicli directly under them and make twice AI much nolne they pay no attention at-tention whaleur to him Hi ran even hoot up Into them without drhnK them from their perches I bat o wondered won-dered several lime Jutt what Itnprc sian theme bird lmn nf me and my I I property that they al hn v > no docIlely gltrn mo the cold nhouldrr They know I etery tree lhit t Is I on my lawn and will elite by llmimandi on the other Ide of the fence within a tin feet of tho dividing Hue Of rouriw I have not I bothered them acer there a s they were not my murals lluutli on 5tiO hOn h-On of the moil nmuilng tturlei of lOt day treat of mUlnkea philanthropy I philan-thropy At n certain army post there was a entry on duty near the hoipltal I The surgeon was preparlnf to go 10 bnl Inside when he wos annoyed and alarmed at the nentrri eaiitblnr lIla esperlenrcil ear told him tint the man had a seven bronchial nfllldlon needIng need-Ing n itrong remedy lie debated awhile with hlmielf and then going Into Ibo dispensIng room compounded a powerful power-ful mixture TMi ho took otiUIJo to the entry with Inntructloni to nwnllow Immediately The man refuted Tho nirgeun Intltted anti dually commanded command-ed 1 the loldler 10 take Ito medicine which he did with much irumbllng Thin the worthy surgeon COiL lo Iwd plea ed to lunr no more coughing Nest morning I lo hU surprIse the ramrnandlng ofllcer autit for him nail Mid that the xntrj had complained dei taring that the imrgcon hid forced him 10 wallow oraelhlng he thought WM unison An lnetlgatlon followed and HUM led 1 the fact that while thn surgeon icon mUlng the medicine tbo coughing molt had Ucn rillcted unit commiuontly the remedy had been given giv-en In the w rang man london Tillilt 1 hUh lneim h-Uh the flood upon Ibo > Mr nlk III tho troop marched grandly I by Whim he ding o arm an tousle klndlln glory In her oe An my heart went thtimpln Jumpln till 1 hardly rod I thi ground When she milled lao noJdM to me Iho I daxnt turn arour 11111 the face o her The faro o her Went lloalln on before An tho grace o her The grace o her Mo colleen bun tor1 A rlngln awlngln qulekttep led the regnont atralght along From winder roof an balcony bright flag nn buntln hung An frcnly thounandi cheered ui but I only bed In thee A anJwy bit o kerchief an1 two eyet o Irish blue Kor the light o her The light o her U I sweet na haven to meAn me-An tho right to her The right to her Acuihla gal machrcel Private will Stoke Twonty liar cent lali women who Oh nIne nlll mamrlagenhlo 010 do not marry and 40 per dent of rollello women aria cun5 to shun the bOQd of mAlrhnony = |