Show II lap loeioa 0d IIeettlo Tho steady progress of Iho gas engine en-gine In public favor offers n good Instance In-stance of the danger of selling up la tho engineering propheylng business When It was learned that Iho elcctrla motor wn a mechanical success them were n largo number ol our zealous I engineer who were very sum that the I gas engine would soon upon Into n Into ot dusty curiosity lint It seems to be far otturwlse Tha Hkclrlcal view In 110 editorial rolninns says I The new car engine developed by Mr t Icorga Westlngboiiie Jr promises l to I rl i Jti oo i work a revolution In the economical generation of the ilcclrlc current Th cruda result thus far obtained Indicate Indi-cate that n raving of to per rent over steam power will be IIlIalntllIx change |