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Show SON WILL BEGIN SUIT Two Women Responsible Respon-sible For Downfall of Gen. Daniel E. Sickles New York. Jan 29. "In defense of my honor and that of my maligned mother." Stanton Sickles yesterday resumed the bombardment upon his warrior father, which was interrupted following a reconciliation effected six weeks ago. lie said: "I am informed that money subscriptions sub-scriptions led by Governor Subtei With 100 and t the widow of Gen eral Longstreet are already pouring in upon my father Well, Mrs Long street has leason to be grateful to fa ther Father secured her her pres. nl appointment as postmistress of tin town of Gainesville Ga Mrs Long street, you know. Is a verv young wo 1 man She was General Longstreet's second wife, and knows nothing ol the struggles and privations of (Cai times, of which she speaks so feeling I ly. "Those who are contributing mon ey should be informed that the mon-ej mon-ej is going, not to General Sickles but to his housekeeper, Miss Wtlmer-ding, Wtlmer-ding, the woman who is to blame with one other, for the present deplorable de-plorable situation Miss Wilmerding 1 am informed has grown wealthy through association with father Blames Society Woman. "Mihs vVilmerdlng and the prominent promi-nent New York society woman whom my father knew intimately, for eight cen years have practically bankrupted bankrupt-ed my father and broken up his home i They, too, have dissipated my Inheritance Inheri-tance and that of my sister. .Mn Day-fell Day-fell Crac kenthorpe But I am collecting collect-ing evidence again them, and shortly short-ly I shall brine action against them in the courts. As he made this statement the young man was striding up Fifth avenue av-enue accompanied by a reporter Arriving Ar-riving at Thirty sixth street, the young man paused and pointed to a brown-stone brown-stone mansion a few doors down the street to the west. "It is there that sh" lives, this so-Ciety so-Ciety woman upon whom my father has lavished my inheritance," he exclaimed. ex-claimed. "She la in deadly fear of exposure. Only three days ago she sent an emissary to my lawyer to learn my intentions regarding her. This emissary talc! that the woman was panic-stricken At the opera her friends remark upon the sudden inroads in-roads which age is making in her Her husband, in deadly fear of mo mentury exposure, has foresworn his clubs. He knows, and he fears thai everyone know s. And everyone Shall I know. When we get to my safety deposit vault I shall plve you a copy of a letter written bv my father to this woman after I had broken off the liaison with the woman of whom I apeak.'1 |