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Show SAYS RESERVOIR IS VERY FILTHY In hla annual report submitted to die c ity i ommissioners at their regu !ar meeting City Engineer II I. (raven (ra-ven recommends that tbe reservoir of the Utah Eight & Railway company near tbe bead of Ogden aUyon be cleaned and that tbe city file on water in South Fork canvon. The engineer stated that tbe reser voir at the head of the canyon is In a deplorable condition. "There is e posed a Ultny condition and these arises from the muck and mud a stench that is nauseating, and a? most of the water consumed in Ogden City passes through this reservoir it demonstrates dem-onstrates more fully than ever the necessity of an extra effort helns made to secure a suppl;. of pure waiter wa-iter This can be done through the j filing on South Fork. I also recom mend ijiat the city install th proper 1 measuring appliances for the Sout'i I Fork and ci'y reservoir." Comparative statements of sidwalk building during the last two years shows that in 1911 th total cost of I sidewalks (city's part) was fl4,589.43j there being 23.27,6 feet built. In 1 f 1 2 the total cost of th city's work was $5 651.17 there being 10 200 feet built. Comparative statement of the cost of asphaltum pavement shows that iinnng the year or l'i cos' per scpiare vard was $2.u: total tax, $47 324 43; totn? cost. ?t;2.;S7 03. In 1912 the cost p?r squire vard wan $2J57; total tax, (10,848.86 total coat. $M 216.86. Special intersections cost per square ard $3.53; total cost, 110,216 17. The report shows that during the year there was only 61 76 feet of sewer pipe laid or a lillle mor than one mi!- Tbe total number of miles of sewerage in Ogden at present Is 06. |