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Show j SALT LAKE" SENSATIONAL DIVORCE CASE Salt Lake Jan 39. Believing that be was supplanted in the affections of his uite by reason of a lobster (and a crab and a bottle oi beer and a bottle of wine. Georgo Reed wants 1 110,000 from Alfred Jensen, who. as sens Reed, insinuatingly introduced first the lobster and the crab and the bottle of beer and then adroitly introduced in-troduced himself Into Mrs Heed s liTe and Incidentally Into his own It was all brought out at the trial of the case In the department of the district court over which Judge C. W. Morse presides, when, at yesterday's yester-day's testimony-taking;. Miss ic.ie Young told of the things she had! heard and the things she had seen at the Reed home These things happened, hap-pened, of course, when Reed was ab j Bent, it being hl8 misfortune to be1 employed at nlnhf Mb-s Young lived at the Reed home, according to her testimony That I home Is on one side ot Wilmington avenue in Forest Dle The home of Jensen is on the other side, directh opposite. It was the testimonv of i.Mlss Young that Jensen lavished 'presents upon Mrs Reed and that he' escorted her to the theater and to j parties, and that after such pleasant evenings it was his custom to return tc the Reed home for a midnight lunch And in ttm lnnch brought bv , lensen and Including the ttifngl enumerated, av the foundations 'of I the alleged forgetfulness on the part of Mrs Reed of her marital pledges, ' In the view of the witness. I Miss Young took It that Jensen s COUrtsWp was ardent and persistent , sn, orUxche eVted t,mc t0 th? Pur-1 suit of Mrs Reed'. lov almost even- i day. Sometimes, according to Miss Young, Mrs Reed would reciprocate b crossing the street to the Jensen house. Jensen, who Is a widower, said Miss Young, sometimes brought his children chil-dren to the Reed home and asked Miss Young to look after them while he uid Mrs. Reed went to a theater Thus Miss Young was In a position of vantage so far as taking observations' was concerned Describing the occurrences that followed the return of Jensen and Mrs Reed from the theater one night Miss Young said that after the j customary lunch of delicacies, Jensen departed thence for his own home, i A few moments later said Miss Young, Mrs. Reed, clad in night gown l and kimono. With a cloak for cover.) stole out of the house after she had pretended to go to bed "I lifted lip the blind," said Miss 1 Young "and saw her go Into Alt fen- sens house across the street ' When did she come back?" "I don t know 1 fell asleep wait-ling wait-ling for her. and when I woke up she was in bed with me and It was morning." j Miss Young jn response fo a question ques-tion as to whether or not she had ever heard Mrs Reed apply endearing j terms to Jensen, said that she had heard Jensen spoken of in Mrs. Reed I as a 'dear man," "a rich guv" and a good fellow." DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE PLANS Salt Lake. Jan &8 -The new board of governors or the Utah Development league will hold its first session at the Commercial club Wednesday af i lernoon at o'clock to consider the question of Incorporating the leAgue C. R. Collingsworth of Ogden. who v as elected president at the recent convention of the organization In Ogden. Og-den. will preside, and a full attend ance of the 15 members of the board is expected For some tune the league has been considering the advisability of Ineor porating, It being argued that the ob Jects and work of the organization could be best furthered thereby The lines upon which the Incorporation may be affected will be discussed .it Wednesday s meeting If incorporation incorpora-tion is decided upon, and such a step seems Imminent, articles will be filed at once. V not her matter t i come up lor con BSSsl Islderation will be that of asking tqflM present legislature for an adequapii appropriation with which i() establlsjsl and maintain permanent state ehlbflai In Salt Lake and Ogden It was oriMa inally intended to maintain but oJ. exhibit in the chamber of commeB in the Vermont building but the coSg ventlon at Ogden voted for the njilMZ tenance of two. one here and one MfR Ogden. Wide puhlieif , ampaigM will be carried on in connection wflbtf 'bene exhibits, providing the desinBi appropriation ,-.-ui he ,. ,-ured It M irgucd that the Incorporation of league Is of important necessity this one step alone. - The new board a is u-i'l.-rstood, so v. ,:i order lie om pibit ion Speech-s and ...... .i-.nm a I the jK., pa mphlet fQHl for wide free distribution. pnrticuW'4 ly in the publli of the stsj The object in this is to bring feneration ns well as all dH izeus of Utah and other localities V-g ; c loser touc h with the purposes j work of the league. 1 HAS HIGH MARK TAPPING KSH Salt l,ake Ian US -Emll TreflE champion typowrltist of EnglandH'?1 j Is appeariiic in this country as a (MB the Hnderwood niacl,'JHw gave an Interesting exhibition of J U, skill in ibe Tribun, ofTiee yeatenllPJ afternoon Mr Trcfzucr was icecftl I panied bv K Corey, inn nagTjHM: the Underwood Typewriting conUK in this citv m In the recent contest In NewBtV. city which was won by Miss Flol E Wilson, with 117 words 0 niHfJ fcy Mr. Trefzger wrote 110 words a B jj-' ute. which was four words IB than the record mad., the year btffjul in similar coutest and onlH word under the record estnblishHf . .. Miss Wilson r B In Mr 1 rei e, ,- s exhibition i V Tribune ..line lie lirNl re. el iroojB',, -' editorial page of the Tribune tjHf winch be bad not read before, fl! wrote 119 words in one minute. BDH folded, lie wrote from dn taiionB words In cue minute ritint, frtBfj set sentence, with which he wJi miliar, lie wrote words In f j minule. The latter fc.it rc'iulrejH! 4 strokes a second, while the tVrW ' of ibe 119 words required betvveSB and eleven strokes n second. ' m j Read the Classilied Ads,-J j j |