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Show RANDOM REFERENCES Marriage Licenses " esterday af ternoon marriage licenses were is sued to Walter Calvin Waldron of Morgan and Mary Hazel Watt of Trc-monton Trc-monton and to John Stewart and Mary B. Wnyment of Warren. Removal 3ale Every article must go regardless of cost before moving into our new location about February I, first door south of Pingree bank ! Stafford Millinery Co. Lecture at Academy A lecture for men and boys has been announced by the V M I A to be given in the Weber We-ber academy auditorium Wednesday (.veiling. Dr John T Miller, editor! of the Character Builder, will he the speaker. If von want tho BKST Butter, demand de-mand the B ft G brand Concert At the Fourth ward tonight to-night a concert will be given with the following participants: Taggart brothers, duet L. A. Garner, violin solo: Rich sisters violin and mando lln duet; Miss Minnie Brown, read ing; George Douglas, o;o: 'iili,m Wright, solo, Myrtle Gillis, piano solo so-lo Call 203 when you want beer, wlces or liquors. Folej'i Taken North John McDermorl. ar rt-si'Mi in Ocden on Monday, was t;ik en to Butte parly this morning by Deputy Sheriff James Larkln of Silver Sil-ver Bow county The prisoner must face a charge of forgery alleged to have been committed ten days ago. Investigate cr tree introductory offer of-fer on beers, wines and liquors Fo- !e's. Fractured Ankle Slipping on the icy tank of the lender of his ensciti" while taking water. George Murp'.p-. aged 60 years and an employe of the I'uion Pacific for i ta rs. fell to the ground and was painfully injured yesterday yes-terday afternoon. He was taken to the Dee hospital, where his Injuries were treated bv Dr R 8. .loee The injured man was carried to the round house It was found that he suffered :i fractured right ankle, slight scalp wounds and probably Internal injur leg. Old papers for 6ale at this office, 26c per hundred Harnett Robbed While making preparations ?o leave for his hoihe In Ogden aiiev yesterday afternoon, v.". L Chambers, a farmer discovered that some one had removed two sets of celluloid rhis and two heavy brass rines from his harness He reported the matter to the police Cat, 421 for tbo no?, r. ed.torlnl an1' j society departments of the Standard Stolen Pens A sin.nl! display - ' containing eighteen fountain pens and valued at $65 was Btolen yesterday lenioou from Ihe cilflo store of K W Townsend at 176 Twenty-fifth street l Amended Articles The Ogden Packing & Provision company has fii ed notice in the county t lerh a 6ffl i of its intention to amend the articles of incorporation in such a wy as to provide foi five director! rather than seven A meeting of the company stockholders w;is hold January 17. at which a resolution providing for the amendment vns nassed. Was Given the Jewelry .lames Conley has notified his wife by letter let-ter that he in ur.de, aired in lxs Angelei anri is awaiting trial for the alleged theft of jewelrj from William Wil-liam McDowell In the letter, dated January 26, be sayi nothing of the arrest of Payne, hiR partner Conlev alleges in the letter that he was ien the diamonds by 'he ranchman who thought they were phony. trial, he said, was set for some time in March. Teton Branch Opened E. C. Man-son, Man-son, of the Oregon Short Dine, passed pass-ed through Ogdon t li is morning on his way to Salt Lake Mr Hanson has been on a trip of Inspection north, and was present at the opening open-ing of the Teton branch of the Oregon Short Line between St Anthony and Priggs. Idaho He reports that heavy 6novs In that country have had the effect of delaying trains and rotarv snow plowg were used to clean the road. Conference Held General Manager E, E. Calvin of the Southern Pacific-returned Pacific-returned to San Francisco this morning morn-ing after a conference with W. H. Bancroft in Salt Lake. Will Accompany Remains Engineer Engi-neer A. F. Mullen of the Southern Pacific will accompany the remains of his brother-in-law John F. Llhe-hnn Llhe-hnn to the old home at Woodstock, Ohio. Hie Father Dead Principal W. W. Henderson of Weber academy received re-ceived d telegram this morning announcing an-nouncing the sari news that his fath-er, fath-er, Jame6 Hendercon, had died this I morning at 6 o'clock af the home In lArlmo, Ida The message staled that I Mr. Henderson grew suddenly worse I at 10 o'clock last night and shortly I lapsed Inlo unconsciousness He remained re-mained unconscious until the time of death. Principal Henderson left on the first train this morning for Arimo. Real Estate u the estate and guardianship of Blaine and George McFarland, minors, the guardian, E J. Horrocks, has petitioned the district dis-trict conn .or an order to sell erl Hn real est.m Marriage License A nianiage license li-cense has been issued to Oscar T Odney and Effie Milliken of Ogden. Advertisers must have their copy read'i for the Evoninr Standard Ihe evening before 'he day on . hicfa be advertisement is to appear In order to Insure publication |