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Show I JESS NEEDS j TRAINING Big White Hope Is Not in Shape For a Championship Cham-pionship Bout Chicago's brightest prospect for a World's heavyweight champion has dimmed since last Wednesday night. The said prospect, big Jess Wlllard. turned off some of the power that was Illuminating himnelf when he mingled with a mere novice, Frank Baker, who halls from St. Charles, 111. Willard Rave Bauer a trimminc all right nnd finally put the newcomer to fisticuffs off watch in five rounds at Fort Wayne. The books that tell of pugilistic his tory will record the knockout of Bauer Bau-er by Willard. and It will look lik H classy performance In the dope But It wasn't. The fact that Big Jess won doesn't make him loom up like a championship possibility, for tho?e who saw the fight are strongly Imbued Im-bued with the idea that he needs o whole lot more "schooling" before he I , will be ready to try for the glory that belongs to a tltlcholder. The fact that It took Willard five rounds to dispose of Bauer, of whom nobody ever heard until he was mat h-ed h-ed with Jess, makes one thing stand out plainly, and that Is that Willard's! offensive fighting ability is extremely! weak. The man he fought was out- t weighed by fully 40 pounds, and so J one-sided were the points at Issue viz.. height, reach and punching power pow-er that one glance at the two iuh k ly showt.l there was no chance for comparison Willard ossc8sed every advantage, even that of experience, for Bauer Is still a pupil in a boxing box-ing Bchool The fighting or Willard's opponent isn't considered at all, for lie evidently evident-ly got into the wrong game and h.id no chance. His work did not e?QH give tho rlngsider an opportunity to see just how good Willard is on the defensive lay. Jess found out quickly that Bauer wasn't any match and ho started out to finish the affulr Me administered ad-ministered plenty of damage, but In doing it he took more time than was necessary In fact, It was surprising that he put the amount of useless en ergy into his work that he did. Incidentally Willard bruised a knuckle on his right hand by punching punch-ing Bauer, which presents more food for discussion anent his fighting knowledge. Some contend that Jess has a lot to learn about hitting. They fall to understand how It happened i that he should damage a hand by punching an apparently easy victim, j one who is not handing out any dam- age In return. But that point can be rectified If the others necessary to a champion can be developed There Is one thing that Willard needs more than anything else right j now If he hopes to shine prominently or to battle Luther McCarly for the I title, aud that Is fighting He needs i a lot of ac tual ring work, for one of I the things that this will develop is I fighting spirit and the vlelousm-- that goes with the making of a good, tighter He is a big. strong fellow, and can stand a lot of work and It is only actual fighting that will give hi,n the experience he needs All the gym- iM- ' .1 -It I II inasium stuff will not uccompllsh much J for him and those who know are of the opinion that he should grab all the fights he can sign for. One thing appears certain, and that is that Willard is not ready for Me Carty. He may be some time In the near future, but he has lots to learn before he may hope to beat the Springfield, O.. cowboy for tho title. In this connection It might be stated that HcCarty was enabled to go to the front more rapidly in the last fev months because he kept busy fighting, while Willard was practically Idle. Ring down the curtain on this tali; of a Packey McFarland Jack Britton( righl A couple of New York ptDDBOtr era have been dickering with the two fighters, and Jusl when one of them thinks he has I he match cinched, one of the fighters says nothing doinc Packej demanded $7,000 for his end. and Dan McKetrick of the Forty fourth street club said O. K. When Brltton learned that McFarland was to get nil that dough, he declined the issue unless he was guaranteed a like amount That made a total of $14,000 for the boxers, and no promot er In New York or anywhere else is going to offer that amount. And it's not a championship match either. Tomorrow night In London they are going to pull off an interesting little setto between two prominent British ers who are not strangers to this country Owen Moran and Jem Hrls-eoll Hrls-eoll are to hook up In a twenty round tilt to decide to featherweight chain plonship of Great Britain. Moran ani Drlscoll are two of the "smartest" little lit-tle fellows that England ever turned out. and besides packing the punch both are some clever. Zybszko Wins. Pendleton. Ore., Jan 20 -Stanlalausj Zybsko won two straight falls from Ben JackBon of Dayton. Wash., hrc last night, taking tho first In 45 1-2 minutes aud the second fnll In 18 1-2 minutes Zbyszlto agreed to throw Jackson twice within an hour and a half. (Cont nued From Page Two.) MTARLAND AND BRITTON MATCHED (By Sam P. Hall Jr.) Chicago. Ian 29 Patrick McFar-lahd, McFar-lahd, the south side Irishman and Jack Britton the north side Turk, known io hir, home folks at B II nn'siiii are matched at last These stellar ring performers, a brace of the best this cltj ever turned out into in-to the boxing world, are to travel the 10 round no decision route in Madison Madi-son Square garden, New York, come night during the first week In March The have ngreed to weigh L35 pounds at Z o'clock Billy Gibson Gib-son of the Garden club is promoting the show The match was closed yesterday over Ions distance telephone by Gibson Gib-son on the New York end and Emil Thtrj PackeyB manager on this end. The financial terms of the deal were not given out, but it is known that Thlr asked a $7000 guarantee with a privilege of 35 per cent of the gros gate for Packev He confided to his friends last night that he got what he asked Britton unquestionably is fighting for a round 25 per cent with no guarantee But Jack and Danny Morgan, his managers, are wis enough to know that this scrap will draw $20,000 at the lowest estimate, and they will hae plenty of kale in their pockets the next morning. |