Show n LOCAL ORtVITIES Hln pp liep hrep 1itrhlrig hortwhwi mat In I Ih1 < l older ol the day Our in Imnt npiil IliU n 1 lull I WfOIk ul the Mtioii The wuniana ullmg qm I IKII tlrrlng I III OK up hvrealmuH There will MOM l uniiuiili li I let 1 In CiMhlllitoormnln a club rho Coop Inmber yrd l hut Ivcn n III t 11 a Limtlon bu k l of UIK t C sup bnlUg I rhMp I In lore I iiiitnUr ronilnu In Initrvli UiMiinh town mi tn JIr ear to iniiinm < Inarirrt Tile CMlnlle lluniv IntHinll Com piini will apper In A Olelrat a Mto in rr < nv Saturday nlrhl Iarlle me IDIIIn Utah lko far IM > Itfxhiiol Amlnir Jejinwn end lfml I V < il n tivl < r dlvkJl kr a ninri tr < l r summit WA t Mai4la < aeho1 ionVrnc r willwp lItnu lVm mw In I tonlvllle and wH contlnnejln voloti cr ql yfjhimin m Ttm I rfTVllT Mi for IV II j F e neM tern IHv 1 n inH9il l < l velreMey andS I and-S Le Iur Iho tnilMlhc I will Iw roiimiMM d aL OD X v bitta leg matter with oar tauvtMlt anI I loot bull MilinUltaT Ollwr town Iou ofitantMtl And HViral gatnw have alrr ily Imn plard I S r i < w by the tlydtn M t lsadnrl l that a nun IIau1 l VTOI baa cal hl a Ml i nudvr and a llcvliH to 11101 Uiuad Tli iu ° lln now Ii I Wilcot Liuder IM 1 uu Tiied y ui rnmB in t 1 y II olioiituiiiptiunnnlollinginorn Jiu grd I 71 vest lie Iml IHWII Ill 1 l ltd lid hi year tlie d 11 > he die l I niililtiulluiii fur the IIII I antin ImII HID f till rowing In Juan lirk br mliltl n aloud ol ol r Stop V pi n Tnedav wMrli w follow tiny tin-y otltir literal donation pr nail HIII 11 ion llroi are wqrklnt ilitir mliiv ercry dare anllIlrrnJftlfU xiiRintn ihlipllig to Suit Luke Th alto liar a ill e little imdi In IVrkO iand drat lurfimuny attend Ilielr short I Diet with of all J A rfl flfrtj el woman stlltro gltli wiu heldattnv Aindeiny IwllJ ng an out l Monday evening twenl tnjw > women and llilrtyfourmfli being Injitlendnncv A rriilatlon one adopted r lIllnll Ill Uoniiitnltanal Convention Jo Irate the wouldnt iuurago > ank in tpo conitlln lion two new llrK the Only nppotl lots iWo i-Wo thli Tue fay recelviHll the report 1 of J 11 Ilawllngi V Iniprctor of soil l mine for Utah together with a nluable map I iliowlng the mineral deiatli of the territory nlia tin mIl crsl iK j Hnil the DlnUli reitrva tlon The work II I a very rmnpleln one and will prove of groat value for 1 reference ThU ropy may 1 ie 51041 nt 1I TucTlut otllc at any tlmea 6 Tho preientatlon of llhe I htoltn Will vrl1Ioll Farm bj the Weber Dramatic Company on loft Friday night did net meet the eipvclatfpni ol this publta ai the minben el loo COIUIHIII with one or two onceptloni did not 1 acquit tlifoiselvrn II w ltjai on the two nrevloui nlghti However they i bad a very lair Loan ami laken alt 1 to tether lho company Ii 1 UQrr than the average f There are tome rithtr Ungh boy between Iso s lft of 12 aiwlJB 1 year In t Coalrllle Mad 1100 inoEMdB ma k I me nljl t hil n < by tail yell 1d dUli h prank They are tecmlagl ti up II all boon of the night and U b I hardly poiilble that hiss parent fie Ignorant of the fat And they shod U lookwl aloe ThvianaivornplUbjiogoodnnr derle any lieneflt from tboijlatv hoar wi i in h harm may reimt from Ibo > PI I rf ni ngl ctof their I mntii Coal vlilt need a curlew and wuen It tangY tang-Y lJ ML 97C ie > rer one of tie hnollnmt ilmnM made tenlor lt 1 minmnni ami 1 go t 0 their Inn m Let III nirfvw rlnf I A CJopbnlcfOtl l Cow will IM I prw social Ito Hi Codlvlllf lloi B Draniallc I OcImplln toBKitrow tHmuntu nlyht Yrtfrlnv > dlIol te h miimuiicwl lint Ks l Cr ker hi Inm l i arrestrI anl ranmilllr1 In ell wllhoUl bull for II hit murder llarvry Iklh K E1alahdl |