Show HAW AND POULTRY 1 INTCnBSTINO CHAPTCnS roll I OUR ItUHAL tlUADEnS lion sneers lul ltinrs Itl eento 111 llrimrtinrnt nf tin tlimirslril Illnls s II lh lr ut tlre Motk anl 1 Poultry A lllr llUrnsilon At a farmers Institute held In Ytoolcolt N Y recently the followIng follow-Ing dltctiMon took laco1 reported by Orange County farmer QIlomr long will Iho slarler Mr Katluian spoke of tubs morning keep In condition for use I Mr lajtman Make a fresh starter every day and MM tho milk of Ihc cow last to coat fresh In milk That Is about twelve hour old It In no trouble lo make U If you churn lay prepare the starter the morning before I ICan you make as good butler from deep telling cream as from that i from open pans r Mr Kastman dont know why no hare had fully a good success but just at good butler has been made from cream raised In Ihe open pan as In Die submerged can 11th oftentimes the condition arc Mich especially In summer that tills ran not be done Ax u rule the maker can not control the condition of milk In I open pans an Ise I can In tho gravity process c cclally In I till true during thunder showers and sudden change of temperature would not affect submerged milk IWill butler made from cream raised In open pan keep nv well no that from deep selling cream Mr Kastman We have never kept mittcrthcrcfori1 i am unable lit answer lie question Wo sell our huller a fast as made but I know of no reason why butter well made from such cream should not keep Q What cause white flakes In I butler I Mr Kastman Thcrearetwoor three principal cause for these white specks found In butler A a rule they are found In butter made from cream raised In open pans They are bit of dried cream which come olT tin seam or edge of the pan llelng hard and dry they will not churn If tho churn U I slopped when Ihe buller U In tho granu lar form and the butler lloaled thce speck will bo drawn off In the butter milk or be washed out of the granules If the work It well done II they get Into the butter they will pro duce rancldncM very rapidly Another An-other cause are bits which were Ihrow n up during Iho cream raiting proeci When Ihe pan of milk ha been let too long before tklmmlng a alight mold will form on less under 11 of the Dim of cream and these caselne Hecks will adhere to It They then get Into the churn just a the dried cream fleck do and should celYe the same treatment The fleck or s peck are not found In separate cream and U a rule not In nubmergcc cane Qllaa the dehorning of cow proven satisfactory to those who have adopted the practice Mr Kastman We have heard till question discussed at very many Institute Insti-tute In I thl I Mate during the last two year and a diversity t of opinion I expressed I ex-pressed concerning the advisability Its operation a few opposing It and many commending It We have never found a man however who has had hU herd dehorned who would have the horn put back again If ho could All were well pleated ut thn result and only hone men who tiny never had the horn taken from their cow told therefore know nothing about the result re-sult or effect and the few agents of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and whu are paid for their work In making war on those who lure had their gown dehorned are making any oll > stlon to the practice prac-tice ticeQ Qh tubcrculosl an Infection lIar lIa-r easeMr Mr Iastman Vesj that Is the scientist scien-tist say It Is I The disease may bo transmitted from one animal loan other when both drink from the name pall or trough or eat from the same manger The diseased animal leave saliva In tho I water or manger which the well cow takes In her food HI la also claimed that the diseased animal will also convoy IL to other animal which feed In the same pasture The sputa left on tho graaa becoming dried and powdered la I blown about and falling on the gras the well cow cat they become diseased from taking tha I Penn Into their stomach It is I also said that the disease can not bo taken from tho breath of the diseased COWl Q Which two breed IWhich of cow are brat for milk or butler Mr Kastman1 dont know just what II I meant from the question I mint a cow that will give me at least 5000 pounds of milk In a year and do It for tho least xmlble cost When I find that I have such a cow keep her never Inquiring about her pedigree or of what breed hhu U I I dont care of what breed she comes Performance ut the rail la I what counts 3000 or more pound of good milk given In ten month suit mo better than pedigree color or breed Wo want a cow that will give UI a proflt on the cost of food and care They are In all tho breeds just as the scrub are In all Weeds and we must get Introduced and bo made acquainted with them I am not one of the stickler for a particular par-ticular breed while Ignoring all others I I but am one for the butter and therefore t there-fore money producing cow |