Show Tulxrenloui llullr Now come a new danger It hot uh been generally conceded that though milk from tuberculout cow might bee dangerou the butter wa not so The bacilli being heavier than the cream sank to the bottom and left the butter pure An Kngllsh exchange hat the following The statistics of slaughtered animal ani-mal In Prussia Hanover Switzerland dv and other European countries show that from 5 to 13 per cent of the cattle arc tuberculous yet the milk must Inmost In-most case have been so We can guard against tuberculous milk by tterillzatlon bu now danger threatened threat-ened u I from tha butter rieveral year ago Helm showed that butter from tuberculous milk contained bacilli and could produce Infection Hang reached similar conclusions Prof Ilolh of Xurlcli has m however recently made experiment of more striking significance He wont Into the market and purchased butter from twenty dllTercnt source representing repre-senting different canton of hwlUer land Ho then Inoculated guinea pigs with tht butter In eighteen serlrsof experiment thu result were negative but In two the Inoculations Mere followed fol-lowed by tuberculosis In othtr words 10 per cent of tho butler of the hwlM market contained tubercle bnvllll Julio Independently of lloth Ir Ilruiaferro of Turin made experiment I with the butter of the tallan I markets In nine tub lm produced Infection once which gives abuut the same proportion pro-portion at Itoth It la not to be supposed that 10 percent per-cent of market butter If nccewdrily dangerous for In many Instances the number of bacilli It small and quite unable to cope will the juice of the stomach Mill Infected butter It not safe to the predisposed and the fact of Its I existence In Kurope at least I should be borne lu mind |