Show Mate you ever noticed how jour iitem burin lormve ipet 11 l l AtdiiUiirw I In lhs spring Juil line help rpiUlrrd d i II 11 f1 iivrn pr l > > lloodi Saarotrilla Dr Prices Cream Hnkliisc Powder Wattle Pair iiebees I Modal anal ntrtsra h tour lists llul IK J ti > iimku tie nip In liliiuoni ii I liiuuju Inioii 1uuili x < oilliiik llni 1lhr7luuu lh mli l M t I Miniiilil triiiii nu liiiiiyi i of 1 i 1 01 > 1t Hi Moanri liner riiriiili llri 1 t ionUU lenpni I uud lining I rte 1 In linl j iiifjtiiittUuii mil on nr ivI I d A A IVuiiY luiii I 1 > > > > u I Whop Is Wr ates 1 I loll IIr111 lotlc 11 111 Ili l11Ir1 lint II e1 1n1r I I r 11 11i I ruts 1111 lhr err 11 11 t 11 II c If till lurrr i It till h ll 111 I I oI Unotl In Halt Lake And Park City I would Ilko to Mars nnsoored Matter hat bean a re iduul < ill rlt I I il-l ko for Kveral years pant and ill 1lrJ l i And lath drove nn oil uuvon fu Iu l I last itV Mclntoh Jjilci be I wrrptrd IY R LBflJ Jrl J Mm S1 irpftrr ltoarouye hlu Terrible Misery Holplooo With nhoumntlsm I and Without Appotlto rT rotiirree In g d rnfnsDIpeld by Hoods Onrtnparllln r a I WM In tfrrltlo lottery with thturaiUim In BIT taps tn1 lower limb 1 road to muck About llootn MtMparllU tint I IkoutM I would Uj II and at II U would rtlltve ma Mien I romiiKiKMl 1 could not ill up nor eau lure our In 11 wllliout help On boW ol Hooda Rollovod Moan Mo-an mach tint I wit MMII out 01 tod and could walk I Iwt aloe fell leak and tired all the time i mull pod steep ant attain < l lollllltrril il nlilil Iil li It nil worn out In tin ny niinit 1 tal oo t 1111 la Ml sag tlllnt but I last a Hoods > l Cures aarulatllla restored mi 11111 w that 1 couU eat without any tlliUrn sal I hate rilnwtrMMlrln ttrinitli1 lets taken at miMi of ntM > riHiiriipuUUaiul ItinM Mils AI em Hn B A Ucruilui IbMimojrM a Hoods Pills sure Ur lilt MU tlon Ulouiiit junJltt tick tielcb InJIftilk X MRS M Ee RHOADES Jest Received a Large Stock of New Goods Finest and Largest Stock of MILLINERY AND I Ialfes l s > FlIrQlsfiin DODaS 1 Have Ever Carried KJTCaU and examine my stock and prices oUtS ML 1C RHOADBS mOPOLIJ I IIEIIT1 Manufactures ot All Kind of Summer ofllrIiKs Park City Utah PATRONIZE nOME INDUSTnv HEE1 GUN She lli ljldU1 lHill1lil CUI 1 Poatoffiee address IIovt < iillc Summit County Utah UFIl I It 1 ISlEi 11111 I HoUri O Ml I mm IlUrfnr Kuiunill Ci Ptah I IJ1d mull < In lit uiiiiiili I to lull s Cash Bargain Store t DBALKR IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Except Groceries COAL VILLE UTAH BOYDEN STORE 0 Prescriptions Filled HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE STATIONERY COAL VILLE Dr W VISICK7 DD Ki a DENTIST I Will be at the Weber House jCoalville From April 29 to May 4 inclusive MISS MAGGIE SALMON NEW STOCK OF MILLINERY Have jtut returned Role a purchasing trip to Salt Lake City and have brought with jnc man of theN the-N STYLES OF MILLINERY Also a number of SPRING DRESS PIECES The popular l shadisln Pet aId Trimniingr fnrHats in great variety Imlicii Sumner Underwear and Hosiery Hoys anti Girls Sailors in different styles Call mill cxnniine in > Roods The prices arc ns reasonable as any in the town Respectfully MISS MAGGIE SALMON WILSON BROS IIIIlmlt 1i I IG aaerwrr baarre larrsila abseersosseaaG 4u G m fmMmlrmr irmmC l Lump per ton 200 Stove per ton 150 Nut per ton 50 At the Mine co A L Always On Hanel at the WASATCH MINE Lttmp9 = 4OO Stove = = 150 I I n Teams L LoaledProm july N No Delay D I f PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Wasatch Dept O S M Cc Geo W Robt Young Wanship GENERAL MERCHANDISES Veto not carry Cheap John foods bin we nimraiitcc to si you gooh that will give tun satisfaction at jnai > is low as th same articles can be sold by any other firm Call and se lot i yourselves GKORGKW KOBKRT YOlNC Wainlnp Utah |