Show OOlENTJriC HOTEL COOKING II llnili Its Ittt lllntrallon Inn a us In-n Ulr In ono ot tin matt btnutllul of our fir Western illlen them Is I a small fnrnily hotel Iflfcil always to overflow ng nnd irp > tuallv beslegwl by frnidi iippllKnnts for admission It Is I neither ipirjreously decorated nor specially Impnmlto in any IllY Snlsluod oli ring oxijiiMtu noatnnw nnd nn at of solid comfort are Its outward liarnelerlstlrs but nddeil to this Is tint fact that not ono of the men and I women ttlio tnnui nnd go under Its I rixif Ion 0 Iho hotel exirw lim a look reongnltnl moro iMilcklt by ton Igncrs limn hj onrsoltes Thu ntirngo ilnellur In hotels oven the lust t Is I inorfod nnd undorM otcrfiil 1 as lo variety und amount underfed us to Mlentlllo I unit I ring of the menu or nn rpuclal udjustmi lo his > cf omil nude mid bears In his fair Iho narks of then uindlllons In HIP hotel In question n verytif fluted satim priitiills Its mistress 7I II Wh for n wotnnn is 1 nl Its hood iII was for i-II thins u highly trained and most sue Iv + intul inanugor of it lungs cooking shaol and tll cinorMl them that It Is I gltallly ralliur than iiinntlt that must bo pre fmrrd In such fashion as lo rntulu Iho flavor we know as homo um to Mora limn this sho bollutcs tuit tho rook limn or women must not only Into Iho work but Turn aim fur tho i utor kneading Into every bntch it dough stirring Into every soup nml blundlng with atur mado l ill < h hearty Rood will fortlioiHirlnki r Iho lent mutorlnts ii od In Iho best wiij Istholnwof I Iho klllIII undila by diiy oho gives inlnulo iIsis lion lo nil Its nntlfiilly onleivil h npKilnt imnts non nnd llnii suylng softly to wiiiie mixer or stlrn us idie puns Im In plenty ot lute to ilnj lot folks I wouldnt hato In in lilli hun thin hut rook wild lo mo but UH n hlrsslng on oterthing junl 10 hatu hur walk throiih No I am nol oMiitl u menial mlunlUI Iho mlslii made nnswcr Hhiti iiiuntlotiiHl as In lion theory but I Ullute thou mi < uplrllnal ola munts In fooil us well us In thus cater mil Hint If irouired by Ignorant unthinking un-thinking unlovely hands It nut menu disease for roul 1 us well its sal 1 I IsUotu IlK that low sort of gorging IM oplo Indulge In In I lessoned here for cut It thing IK Ing us jiurfect ns w o know how to p t It inrrluH more mills fln power limit I the ilns menus dcllbeiutiO and I imikj my minnt illnlngnMim n tlnptu for womhlp A human INNIy I I Is I it Micnxl tiling and It Is I theso three meals that build It dnily In 11 good will iiitirtos nro what I us Iii to make Ihu iitrao hcro within tlioso four unlls mil It Ia I u fuel that Onus of utter Milllshneini rndenoi nnd general disagree uhhncss tutee Iwoii tint moillllul I nnd llnall wally tnudo orui I mn milking dlseoiorlos nrnry tiny end I by nnd by mean to put them I Into shape It i Is certain that rceonitruitlnn must lomo for this whole business ol hiring und part oC fIt f-It will lie In Um real cooporntlon which nobod hasot knonn tho Infusion In-fusion of lulu nnd wisdom Into n choxin mud hononil 1 work |