Show DUNS WEEKLY REVIEW Now York Yorke March 13 1311 R G Dun Weekly Review of Trade says ays Milder weather seather will stimulate trade hut foreign trade Is quiet Conditions are ire better in the tire west vest but ul everywhere eer lacks acks the tho desired animation Some progress toward more moro settled condi condl Ions is noted in Iron antI and steel In wire products orders or ers are arc somewhat hea h Ier or Western distributors of dry goods report a satisfactory business but conditions are aro less satisfactory In tho the coal co I and Iron sections of or the middle west vest and among local jobbers In the woolen division there is 18 a n dis disposition disposition position on all tho part of clothiers to send salesmen on the road unusually early earl Extreme dullness prevails In tho the hide and ant leather markets uncertainty regarding the tariff legislation is af a hides having a deterrent cf of effect on business s Few Fow sales of any an of o leather arc are being made prado and these hese are only on I for small quantities to supply sup pi immediate wants of buyers |