Show AID AI D TO THE TH E POLICE We Yo call cali attention of or our police de department deI department I to the tho police pollee dogs of o New Now NewYork NewYork York Some day the local police force rolCO may mar ask for the services of or tho the trained animals Max and Nogi police dogs stationed in tho the outskirts of or Brooklyn a day da this week weak ran down dotty three men who were escaping from Crom tho the A ANew ANew ANew New York paper relates how Police Policeman Poll Policeman co coman man James ODay was out with Max at 1 i In the tho watching I for thieves At Thirteenth avenue and Fiftieth street he lie hoard frantic cries for help Running up Fiftieth street to New Utrecht avenue wits Max straining at his leash ODay ODa saw three men mOD pummelling a fourth As the dog clog and policeman came up tho the three throe men then ran ODay ODilY loosed Max who in n full ull cry raced after them The Fite policeman then tired fired d five shots Into tho the air all to attract attention and blew blow his whistle whistler r Policeman Michael Nicholson with Nogi was at street and Eleventh avenue Running down to Twelfth avenue he saw tho the fugitives with Max half a block behind them Ho He released Nogi and und that dog look took lookup lookup up the tho chase The Tho barking of tho the dogs clogs and the shots had aroused tho the neighborhood and und people ran to their doors In night clothing and several men clad only In slippers and pajamas Joint tho the chase I Max at street s caught up with the tho last l t of or tho the trio and hurled himself as if iC from a catapult Into tho the small of oC the mans back The man manCell fell Cell as If had been beon hit with a n battering batter batterIng batterIng Ing man the man hair stunned Max ran between the legs ot Of ota Ofa eua a second man and tripped him Nogi tripped tho the third man Growling and jumping from one man to another tho the dogs cogs hold ld their their prisoners until the policemen arrived arri cd |