Show I I rUNS RAYS ABOVE THE THE CLOUDS CLOUDa CLOUDS Balloonists Compelled to Shelter I Faces from the Fierce Heat Heet 4 I At the tho to height hel h of or two miles mies the sun shines shin os with wih a fierce Intensity unknown below where the dust and the denser air aJr scatter the rays ray thus dif dlf diffused di fused lose their Intensity while il II illuminating I I t every 10 evoi nook and corner of I It I our houses At heights exceeding Ovo I miles mies this thIt diffused light Is mostly most gone one and the time sun whines shines a glowing ball bal sharply outlined in a 1 sky sk of which the blue is so dark chirk as to ap approach ap I blackness At the tho outer limits of oC the to atmosphere the time sun would ap appear pear hear oar a i brilliant brilant star of ot size among amons other othI stars and If I one stepped from Its Ita burning buring rays Into shadow ho would enter outer Egyptian darkness darless At I I tho ho height of a mile and a halt half wo we 0 found It I necessary to shelter sheler our faces to prevent t sunburn un although tho time air around us tie was wal but hul little Ito warmer than that of the previous night being about ID Hi degrees An At the afternoon wore vore on and the balloon baloon began beRan to cool and sink wo we were obliged to throw out much sand casting it I away awaya aWl i ia a at t a timo and Just after ator sunset It I was oven even necessary neCe to I empty two or three throe hags bags at At 1 lautic ian I Ic I I Ii II Ij i I j |