Show J ONOR CONfERRED ON CANNON unity fl I fOURT I Tt ME BY F LI CAUCUS J Selection of Speaker and Vote Y ote Oa On O Rules Lacking Usual Unanimity of Party Feeling AVE Plenty of Evidence of Insurrection Promised for foi Vote Yote for Cannon 5 Not Noi Senator from Iowa Walked Out When Consideration of Rules Was Announced Did Not Care to Be Bound by t Action of Colleagues b bAI Present J Jd d AI l IU u r n March 13 II was tho the F fourth 1 time the thc honor had haJ heon beon ron con conferred ronS Egg S ed upon Cannon but tonight neith neither er the ULO of o a candidate for forG G r nor the vote on the rules was characterized by bv the U u of party feeling that tb t attended the three preceding caucuses les es N Thoro Thore was plenty of ot evidence on the I insurrection promised for Monday londa against again the Cannon organization but butin in n tho the main the Uio most determined antI anil f Cannon Republicans were not present I r 25 Tho caucus agreed to vote Nonday for tho adoption of oC the rules of o the thelast last Jast house Tho The most moot move of the I caucus was the selection of two Republicans of or tho the house committee on rules Speaker S Cannon himself spoke In favor faor of or this action This followed the tho thees adoption of a resolution recommending es at t f that the tho speaker or appoint to the rules ruIe I committee two Republicans selected er by b the Republican caucus and two I ery I Democrats selected b by br tho the Democratic caucus Representative of or the Id d I ath aih rules committee and Representative 1 Walter Waltor Smith of Iowa were selected I for tho the committee Tho The rules rides of or the tho house houe that have prevailed for years make malco the speaker a member of the committee Ti 0 iii Tho The consideration co of the rules for forthe forthe forI r I BAR DAIS the next house I ouse came up when Mr Ir Dal Dat Dalzell zell meTed mored that members member vote oLe for the tho rules niles of or the tho last Ju t house Mr Nr of nf Iowa walked out Ho no explained to those outside tho the caucus that he did didt t r D DaE t not care to be bound by the action quo 1 taken Without debate the Dalzell i motion was carried Tho viva Iva OCto I vote rote ote showed 7 j or S 8 opposed d to it iti i r r 1 Mr Smith of Iowa low then introduced I his resolution regarding tho the selection n of ot the Ule committee on rules Speaker L 1 Cannon addressed l the caucus clucus Inas Ina Inasmuch Inasmuch much as tho the other committees of the tho theCO thep p house pertained to t Ie he h said saidU U 1 CO UJ U be he regarded it jt boot beat b for them not to tobe t tobe be selected by lJ the tho two caucuses but the 1110 rules rulos committee com being boing designed for forthe 9 the management of or tho the proceedings on 1 tho th floor of tho the house could well bo be betaken taken br bY the tho parties Tho The vote ote for fort L t f Mr Cannon C a as ag candidate for speaker 1 was vas as not riot unanimous Out of ot the 1 cost cast Mr Ir Cannon i 1 Mr Ir Cannon did not vote Ole Oleen en d rv 1 mid and Mr Ir Sturgis of West W il Virginia arrived J I too late for the roll call Following the nomination of oC Mr Cannon Mr Ir n l nIto S ton uon l on of Minnesota named Mr for speaker r Mr Reeder of Kansas Kania placed In nomination Mr Ir Smith of oC Iowa and Mr Howland of Ohio named Mr Kelfer h 1 e d f Tho roll rohi call resulted Ji 1 Cannon IK Smith 10 Tawney Ta wn C 7 l 1 We Vt s D Ii 1 MacGuIre 1 nage lag Among those voting wore four dole doleS gateb from Crom territories After the caucus ell J S i hind lind IIi adjourned Representative thc McKinley 4 of Illinois declared that fully Cull 12 15 I of the th theve I Ve Absent members would bo be with the regulars when tho thu th vote vol on tho the pr question was Monday on a This Thle would give Hivo tho thin regulars a n total vote nl of I IM l 1 which would be ono one more moro than thon Is 18 necessary to defeat ef pl tho the C 9 The Tho latter tonight ht they lh hind had moro more than limn the 24 U to vote vole down d sf C 1 tho the previous pr lou question ROSi R OS Murdock of oC Kansas erIl lg for tor tho the niter lh IIi I a declared de that tho the rosult r of tho the thoP thep CV P I caucus tonight only served further to encourage thit lIw Insurgents Wo We 0 will vein oto down the previous question on Monday iL tin Ian io sold and nl 1111 the proposition that will bo hc presented to the tho th house hoult by b our steering J committee will wilt bo be adopted a opted 7 O I lI t 1 Following IB Is tho the personnel p of the I I organization ns as S chosen by y the I J I Republican tonight o 1 For speaker Joseph G Cannon ot 01 I Id d Illinois tl r For clerk of o tho house Alexander tug ot or Pennsylvania I It 11 ti For postmaster Samuel A Lan Langum Langum Langum gum of Minnesota heart dl For Fot F I Henry Hen rr Casson CasBon hea s J ot of o Wisconsin W It hair For doorkeeper F 13 D Lyon of New NewYork luj York the t For chaplain Rev Ho Henry Henr N No Cou Lou Couden Iowa fa J den the blind preacher and Is III l All these were wore selected a candidates of to succeed themselves es rv r Representative Currier of New Now Hampshire was waa elected elect cd chairman ot of Lg IS to the tho the caucus and Mr Ir er of big si New lensey Tene was wag elected tecte to succeed tJ clog chug 1 I himself aa as Its secretary the pe Representative John W V Dwight or 01 the d New ew York was waa chosen whip of the II 11 next house houpe Ce e J 1 Representative or of New Now NewS S III Ia CO Jersey secretary of the last caucus called meeting to order As ASk k Colonel Hepburn of oC Iowa lown was waa defeat defeated I ed e 1 for reelection there thore was no ire enair 1 man to preside until Representative rs f S 1 I chosen Currier Curr or of Now H was waa wasS S To e Mr I Ir r Cannon Representative William A bors of lilt Illi Illinois nois was waa recognized Ills first list refer reference once ence to Lincoln and the other great men of Illinois minoll stirred sUrrell tIC tS L He lie If c spoke of the lie proud Privilege 1111 or Of presenting p a candidate for speaker at nt r tills thIs limo lime when individual Initiative I l I assailed by b the discordant and de dC deC forces for l of oC socialism e C O 0 IK lis 1 justly proud ot of o nor hOt most 1 gt u hl n exclaimed 1 Mr M MI 11 I Rodenberg ari at he approached the men melt mention tion of the tho name caine of Mr Ir Cannon We Wo are arc proud of o him because in all till of the tho vicissitudes of public life hue In III tile the storm and find stress and anI I strife of political political cal combat in ill the Ule sunshine of victory victor nod find In the tho shadow of defeat he lie has hasI I over ever stood four squares to lo all the I winds that blow bow I With a declaration that flint his Ills candi cantil candidate date knew naught ot oh expenses cs Mr Air said his fidelity to principle pie pIc was his hiis religion and loyalty lo all to honest conviction was the thc cardinal of his creed HIs Ills courage was described as that thaL born of conscience originating in III n the loftiest t conception of public duty duly I Continuously Continuous for more than a third I I of a century he has been in the cal calcium calcium calcium light of publicity continued Mr lr antI and as that light has grown grOl stronger with such succeeding years It has served only to reveal more anti and more clearly his transcendent transcendent dent tient qualities of head and nd heart until today todar tho the people of tho the I United States with one ono accord regarn Joseph Cannon as one of the greatest and most forceful of American states statesmen statesmen men lUen His very eQ name Is a synonym a gu gil guarantee guarantee of consistency and his toast mast masterful erful militant record as a member menTher of congress for fOl 31 34 3 years a rs Is an tion to tho the struggling ambitious of the land Three times he has been heen honored by b his Republican colleagues with their unanimous vote voto forthe ell aUer ship of or this house a position second only in prestige and an Importance to the presidency Itself With consummate consummate mate skill and an unfaltering he has kept the legislative le ship in the middle ot or the Iho channel of progress weathering all storms of o unjust crill criticism criticism cism avoiding the rocks ot of radical radicalism radicalIsm ism on the one ono hand and an the shoals of ultra conservatism on the other Today he stands forth In all the tho splendor dor dOl of matured Intellectuality vigor Igor vigorous OUR ous In mind and better betler equipped than over to discharge the duties or ot orthe orthe the high which has so honored for six years challenging the admiration of every American who be believes in doing honor to a brave ana anel anaa anela a manly man Mr Chairman catching the spirit that breathes upon us from the lie glen glon oils memories of an earlier day clar the tue spirit that gave gae birth to the Republican can party part of which he lie was one or tub ne founders in response o to the admiring sentiment of the Republican member ship al p of this house I J nominate for speaker of or the tho congress the theIron theIron Iron Duke of o 0 American politics Jo G Cannon In response to tho the demand lor 1 a Speaker Cannon addressed the caucus He said alt lr Ir Chairman n and amI Follow Fellow Republicans cans I thank you ou for fOl the mark or your confidence and esteem und anti un II In the term to come as In the past lIast hall endeavor en BO so to lo conduct myself in tho the high educe for fat which you Oll propose me inc meas incas as to further the best liest interests of tue I UnTied States and an merit your ap approval app proal p royal Wo We have before us liS a most J Tariff legislation Is In a class fI fIb by b itself anti and from the standpoint ot oh o oI practical legislation presents more lit I Hoult problems than any an other othor kind or of legislation A tariff tarl lull bill is general In that it affects the whole great reat subject of or revenue but at the same time it itis itis itis is private and special in Its It nature as asIt asIt asit It enters every oven district and affects products of every farm and Ud factory factor The approaching legislation there therefore therefore therefore fore will bring with It peculiar dir dif difficulties II anti and unusual temptations While we wo must regard with solid Hous care earo the interests of o tho the people vo wo represent ent individually we must muston on ou the tho other hand keep constantly on the mind that thal our first duty Is to tho the d States aa nit 8 a n whole that Us its rove reve revenues r ve lines may be for Its needs and ito Industrial life may con to flourish In the thc future under our tare care are as It has flourished in tho the pant inder the distinguished men mell who I have hinc preceded us liS as trustees under the Ito constitution Tho The work before us ilK will wm call lor br much Industry for fot unusual and and antI for or a I patriotic and determined purpose that flint tho the responsible political party in tho the I house houle of representatives shall In due time return to the people with Its it I trust fulfilled to the satisfaction of all allI I reasonable men It Is 15 not only necessary D that we wo wedo 1 do our work well It is essential that flint I wo do it as quickly as la Is II consistent I with thoroughness The Tho industries of or over sixty million people await our ourI I The Tho Th newspapers toll tell us 19 aw as asS asmie S mic mie of the symptoms of or Industrial prostration that ears cars earslie Ho lie Idle on oil tho the sidings i Tho llio power of o the people of or the rue United States Slates through their representatives S to fix their own revenues I and anti control their own expenditures is 16 isone isone one of the attributes of or our liberty consecrated by Ly 1 the tile suffering J and the tho liven JIe of o generations ot or patri patriots ot Vo We e must exercise that thaL power with industry and diligence that tho the expectations of the lie people may bo realized d without un duo delay The Tue wisdom of those who have pre preceded preceded preceded ceded ua un In III this tins house has loft left us liS a system of rules the moat most sufficient that ever over guided gulled a fI legislative body hod as aM large as us the house hOlse of representatives Every Fer step In making malting these rules cr er was resisted bitterly and the tile themen men nien who stood up lp for Jor tho the Titles rules were misrepresented by br b every oer Interest at by their action and nn criticised by b a large Jarge army of innocent victims of misrepresentation nut t diet dies with tho lie day lay Now No those men toen see much criticised then lien are commended on every con hand while a anew anew anew new brood of misrepresentations are arenow arenow arenow now criticisms against those who to toda today da day continue the work vork of the past post These things will w also pass away awa ana when present understandings have died away wo shall also have hao tue commendation of tho the future futuro if I only we ve 13 remain true to ourselves and to our trust truel |