Show TOWERED ABOVE HIS FELLO V s Scotchman an Almost Almot Perfect Ex Example Example Example ample of Physical Manhood Ledbetter Ledbeter the most perfect specimen sped men of o manhood ever evem seen s en In our mod modern modem ern er em world had an aversion to athletics almost akin alin to horror says sars the thc Now New NewYork York Press lie Ho was a wholesale deal dealer er cr In plumbing plumbing supplies on a largo large scale In Glasgow six feet ten inches Incites In height and built bui like an Olympian god He lie never trained for anything He lie refused to witness winess athletic exhibitions lions Ions But lul he lie seemed to absorb strength from the earth or the atmos almos atmosphere phere and could easily handle any an four men meu in Scotland He could throw over his shoulder with I ono one This Hercules hated haled to lo appear In public because he was extremely sea sou about lug his size His shoulders were a yard urd wide and ant his overcoat reached nearly uearl to the tile ground As he lie walked along alons the street he ho could hear such remarks as I wonder how many yards of cloth eloth it takes to lo make that man a coat In public vehicles chicles when riding with a man of average size Ledbetter would pile pie the lie cushions on onIon onton onton ton Ion of each other to lo elevate his com camS companion panion to his own level hovel He was as a ahead ahead ahead head taller than timan any carriage In lii GIns Glas Glasgow Gas gow go and people used to gaze gae in iii won wonder wondel wonder der del as ho passed by 11 |