Show I I CHARGES THAT HORSES ARE WORKED TWO SHIFTS Chicago March llarch 13 Charges that a practice exists of working horses borses on two shifts one day and ono one night In each have havo been heen made to the tho Illinois Humane society George A H Scott secretary secreta prom promises promises iRes an nn investigation but expressed doubt as to whether convictions could be bo obtained under tho the law as It stands In Illinois today It ll Is doubtless true that thai Borne own owners owners owners ers work their horses all day and then send them out with wagons lor night jobs joba ho said making about twenty hours in tho the To Io provo prove this however it would bo lie sary arr to lo shadow the horse nil all day da and andall nil all night and even een then the tho courts would throw tho the case out if actual pain were ere not shown There Thore Is no law reg regulating the time lime a man titan may ma work his horse and the courts indulge In no presumptions They The will not presume from tho the fact that a horse has been at hard labor day dar and night that It has suffered pain You ou oti must prove tho the pain and this thin is IR hard to do ho for it H Is wonderful how the horses will stand up under the strain |