Show = I J H Mo kin was up from Kcho today I nn builneii John Hoyden returnnl from Poll Lake on Mondnv Mark llopklni hat been In bait Lake this week on luiliicM icvrgo leRoy was donii from KUl linge lumber tamp Monday Icorju W Young ot Vanthlp ones In Coalvlllc yesterday on business Undo Jacob lluirman vltltvd Coal rlllo lor tererat dayi thle week Pinch Ned Mono and J K Dromley were up from litho UVInerlay Kdltor llalilirot the lark Iatrlot was alhtrlnit court news In eolvlll TUft dayIlepnty Deputy U B Marshal Cuplt Wit down froth tho Park Monday un bUll nell Henry Walker wai Intertlevlng Isle many frlcndi up and down the rherthli week Henry Kurt and leorgo Hall ol Park City are among the jurymen here this week U U Culbath ol Salt lAke von among the suitors hi attvndanco on the court thle meek Lehl Thomas and Joieph Fliher left Monday and are now working on the Ogden Tower Dam I Ml + Kthcl Heard who hut been ltlt Inglrlmdiln Salt Uko lor ioin time taunted l homo tuonv I C II Iowkr ol Sult Luke mine to Coilvlllo Tueiday and hue accrptrd H 10t1llon with J II IUI lurUnder Mr John Sprll ltd Thuriday for IVntello onl visit tu her daughter Mri WnlllnijtoD also reildti nt that place SlurllTlIattlngton W I Snyder 8 A 1anhlr Henry Shlelli 11 a Townteml were muting the prominent Irk Cltyltft who have teen In Coal villa all 01 till nell John M Zane II J Dlnnlny It llarkneit WJndd and DllTenkii I bury aru among the loge I llgliti 01 Fall lake who are In ntteniince the Third District Court In Coahllle this week The genial lountenance ol lenrgo K Olson U I again seen on our Mtecli Icorgp with lilt entire family arrived Wednesday from Hock bprlngn where lie liai lon tlio pat icven mouths In the employ ol tho Wjnmlni Mercantile Company Ills tunny frUndt are more that glad to welcome hint buck and to kno r that he II likely to rcmnln lor fame limp an ho Ill eercil hlnconer tlon with tlienlHKutlrin |