Show LOCAL BREVITIES Improvtmcnti ate ling made on the Stake louse lot The new footbridge l across Chalk creek li 1 well under way The town hat been pretty wall filled with visitors this week The llian Hand played reveral tune Oil the streets Tuenliy evening Asocial dine wai given the coin visitors In ClufTi hail Wedneiday night Lawrence Eldredge bit anew bike hlb hilI lucceiilully endeavoring 10 conquer The ground tqalrreli have already made their appearance according to the ilileiuunli ot ollla 01 our Irwen Notice In another column an loin I lUomtiit lor Lid for turnlililng ol 80000 tin for the Utah A IAdflc Halt way Company i The Chalk Creek Coal Company plop I city wa iohlMonday by Deputy US 1 Marihal Cuplt Th properly WHI bid In by Mr T P Mulloy for WOO Metiri W H Clark A Co the palnl rtt have decorated Coop frost The fresh coal ol palnl lushes a decided 1m piweiaent In lie alI > NIItt ol the I JuIlJIIJIl A U Brim Bent Ut up ipeeluien ol rock taken from loratloui near tII Devil hldi The rock niaytM 80 In gold and IOO In silver Wo will My tnoro ol thus pioipecl later on Uorlah Wllklni and Frank Demlng are aiililliiK Frank hippos In the con itructlon ol the new luotbtldge mro > Chal creek They died to complete the bridge by tomorrow night Oa account ol conlereuce ttalne No 1 and 4 will stop at Crvyden and Ileac her crotilngi on April 8ml to 7th In clntlt Thou Uklhg to attend tbe con fervor from there > olnti will thus get 1tOI1 l e n IrA Ir-A ipeclal cam over tin road lloiuUy loaded with U I H U offlclali who are oat on n tour ol Inipectlon They vent on up to lark City Those In the party were Kd Dleklnion general manager i U 11 Early lupcrlntendent ol telegraph tele-graph K llucklnghaiu iiiperlntendent oUariervlcoiJ K Maikcl munngerol hotel depailment i W II llancrolt general gen-eral tupeilntenilenllrorgo i II Tcurani chief engineer I J II Mlllanl ol the Mlllanl hotel In Omaha and 1 L I It tiny 01 OWAIKI The lumber and llmUr fur the fool bridge aervn Chalk creek hat been do llv and the work ot oonilructlon It I being pnbed by Cvutrailor Frank hits putt The tldowalk lumber li I also bt > lng delherwl 1 and Ihe walk out In the nun try tv Ills courthotuv will 10011 be completed com-pleted thi lark City Heron to lie contrary notwltl tandlng Tlii lltcord ai uWHtlcvmnni near telling tie truth In this M tie buy did who would have I killed two blrdt 1 nt one shot II the bird had only contented lo die Hut tint It I Ireltyeto for the llecurd nod In time ne look for that tatter to toll tit truth On Monday nlijlit the riilnl llouwol the Urgltlalurv aciiulttwl Thomnt Morby and Harry Thaniai ol thu chariM oonteinpt Tho Ire library nnd rend lug loom hill WM dlMwrd and Mtntbiiek 10 the eanwttte for q retort The bill compelling euuly olUclnlt to have el fie al the county MKlpAHnl A NIII mitlee PODfltlBt of B Wllklni J L Harden OulAIII Ir J J JCIiainb anti Mr U 6 lIu I < ll < r ass nppilnt l to look alter fist prtqtel I ttrnnd lull with power to algaiut all nub cuut mlttee Thin nnitraa mil WI Jay iilitUl npi I ihe > oritut s m mlltwn mule 111 I r Ion l ion i-on Frtdai bi5l I p i i 1 < Hi llm dn I VIIIC the linn wm taken up In the hut HOII ol f she tuban retuliittun Ml I uh will In rrnmul 1 Monday evening n st |