Show A I1110MATS YIKK I LADY DUPFEI1IN A FAVORITE Of I QUEEN VICTORIA 71 Iles lerurl fiche Inloll III of II ltatael Ileneo tnlet In a I 1l unlan tetetrralel foe tier 1Iln 1101 Stacy 111ee I HiN Thackeray In llh Irlh iMltnttl l wrote concerning the great iMll given I giv-en lo the Nelhulee nmlHumdoni that among 11110 prevent prev-ent were Ionl l ami Lady Duffer I III And Piddy flee with hlo Ml wife II I wonder lion he could Muff her In 1 I did not refer In the present ihirm hll MiircliluneM of Dufferln nnd t ANA but to her predecessor of long ago Herd Her-d > hli will ihnrlly retire with her inrband from public life anti diplomat Ic I circle with her will lon one of Ihelr most valuable ornanientH jid Dot feiln has orrupleil no end 1 of prominent lditen She him been nmbaMwdroM In Irrli lo Home In onstaiilliio > te nnd she nhirnl with her liunband the molt illpllnguliheil pout In the gift of Iho u 1 IiI 1 Ii-I I I I I I I s1 r I wenelawrwec I lADY IIUTllmr u Ililllsh Roiernmcnt that of the slew regal throne India When Lord Diif fell was mndu governor general nf Cntada Ihe counte for ihi was only n countess I Ibcn was considerably under un-der 20 and from that time nnlll tlln priient her husband has been forenio ah eng the big dlplamatlc nun nf the empire The mircblonei 15 I Ihe 1 er > leiil of nmnlcur nrtretno and during hr ligency 1 In Canuda Phe hud built a bilge In Ihe government houn at Ottawa Ot-tawa foul her entertal n i contrlb tiled to chief by her tern artistic cold prulenorlhy Ru > lived nn outdoor out-door winter life In I Canada too and curling sleighing and hockey pnrtle wore leil by her and Pile dlitrlbiited llio prize In nn leo tourney originated by herself Her transfer from till Icebound Ice-bound dominion to burning India wrought likewise a trnnifer of occujia tlun and while In Aryavarta site ac cumplliihed n stnpendoiu work In the matter of providing female medical at tcndancn for thin women of thai conn trt On her return In KngLnd she was pemonull congratulated by the queen on lie uiccem of her labors IniH Dufferln holds no ten than four urdein Them are the Crown of India tin Per lau Order of the Run limo Turklnh Or d < r of the Hhefliat and Ihn moit vul lied of alt the Order of Victoria and Albert I |